
My friend caught me sniffing his sister's panties

He was so mad, maybe because she was still wearing them.

It made the rest of the funeral pretty uncomfortable.
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drug-sniffing dog

Me: "Sweet dog you got there"

Policeman: "Yes, this is our new drug-sniffing dog."

Me: "Still in training, huh?"

Policeman: "What do you mean?"

Me: "Nevermind"
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My best friend got mad at me because he caught me sniffing his sister's panties

It didn't help that she was still wearing them.

Or that his whole family was there.

That made the rest of his sister's funeral kind of awkward.

And who thought you could make the funeral for such a small child more awkward than it already was..
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I can’t stop sniffing glue

It’s a habit that just sticks
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My dad said I need to stop sniffing glue

It finally resin ated with me
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My wife uses fabric softener. I never knew what that stuff was for. Then I noticed women coming up to me, sniffing, then saying under their breath,

"Married!" and walking away. Fabric Softeners are how our wives mark their territory. We can take off the ring, but it's hard to get that April fresh scent out of your clothes.
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I caught my little brother sniffing my girlfriend's underwear.

I didn't have the nerve to tell him I wore them all week.
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I find it really embarrassing that whenever anyone visits my house, the dog starts sniffing their crotch.

Especially, as it is a Chihuahua and I have to lift him up.
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I can produce silver just by sniffing.

Smelt it with my own nose.

**I'll show myself out**
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I tried sniffing Coke once...

But the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.
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Glue-sniffing drug addicts

A group of experienced glue-sniffers was teaching a newcomer to sniff glue.

But instead of sniffing the glue, the glue sniffer poured it into his mouth, and had to go to the hospital emergency room.

"Hey," reminded one of the glue-sniffers. "Don't expose our glue-sniffing group."
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I stopped sniffing glue last week and I regret it.

I should've stuck with it.
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I adopted a drug sniffing dog...

she's having a real hard time quitting
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My mate caught me sniffing his daughter’s panties.

She was wearing them at the time. I told him it wouldn’t have happened if they didn’t do an open casket funeral.
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I read in a medical journal that sniffing Rosemary will improve your immunity during this rainy season...

But my colleague is not understanding when I do this and now she’s calling the security...
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Dogs are great at sniffing out bombs but terrible at defusing them.

They always end up cutting the grey wire.
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My dog never listens when I tell him to stop sniffing deer poop.

He just looks up at me with a shit-eating grin.

This police dog comes up to me and starts sniffing and wagging his tail, and I say "hi there, boy, can you smell my dog then?"

And the handler says "No, sir, this is a sniffer dog -- he only alerts for narcotics", and I say "heh, yeah, my poor pooch has such a habit..."
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It doesn't matter how nice the soap smells..

Never let anyone see you walk out of the bathroom sniffing your fingers.
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Trying this sub as not going down well on sub Funny. Is it too dark?

So my friend punched me today after catching me sniffing his sisters knickers. She was still in them at the time so i cant complain really.

Apparently it made the rest of her funeral awkward though.
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A vampire bat had just returned to his cave at dawn...

His chest was covered in fresh blood. As soon as he settled in to sleep for the day the other vampire bats started crowding around him, sniffing at the blood and wanting to know how and where he got it.

He pointed one of his wings towards the mouth of the cave and said, "Can you see that big ...
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Retrieving Sniffer

Police officers Rosa and Mary, had been assigned to walk the beat.

They had only been out a short while when Mary said, "Damn, I was running late this morning after my workout and after I showered, I forgot to put on my panties! We have to go back to the station to get them."

Rosa re...

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woman's new perfume

A woman stepped into an elevator at Macy’s Department store after having just purchased a new perfume called Essence of Snowy Pines.

All of a sudden as she stood in the elevator; she had an unstoppable urge to fart.

Since she was alone on the elevator, she let rip a lon...

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How do you pick a motivated astronaut dog?

It‘s the one that’s always sniffing Uranus.

Monday morning in the office, a man notices that his colleague is very sad.

At breakfast, he approaches him:What's wrong? You look really beat today.

Don't ask, I had the worst weekend you could imagine.

What happened?

I was visiting an old friend that I haven't seen in years and the family caught me sniffing his sister's underwear.

Okay, that's ...
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A conversation between me and my partner....

Him: Have you ever been caught sniffing your moms underwear?

Me: What? No!

Him: You must be pretty good at it then.
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The vet's office

A man runs into the vet's office carrying his dog, screaming for help. The vet rushes him back to an examination room and has him put his dog down on the examination table. The vet examines the still, limp body and after a few moments tells the man that his dog, regrettably, is dead.

The man,...
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An Italian man is waiting for a bus...

A creature of habit, he does so at the same time every day, except on Sundays - that's the Lord's day.

Every day he waits for the bus he is joined by a French man, and every day the French man sniffs his middle and index fingers saying "Fifi".

*sniff* "Fifi" *sniff* "Fifi" *sniff* "Fif...
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Bob is driving home when he sees a sign; "Talking dog for sale"...

...wondering if he's read it correctly, he pulls over and gets out to read it again. Sure enough, it says "Talking dog for sale", and having nowhere to be decides to go in.

Bob knocks on the door, and well dressed man answers; "Yes?". "I'm here about the 'talking dog'. What does he say; 'Roo...

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Think you can do better?

A circus came to town, places an ad for an animal trainer in the local paper. Only two applicants showed up, a male and a female. The offer could be for one, so the best performer wins the job.

At first glance it appeared that the female was much better prepared because she came to the inter...

This is my grandfather's favorite joke

Three moles lived in a hole outside of a house. One day, they smelled the people in the house cooking breakfast. The first mole starts sniffing and says, "I smell pancakes!" The second mole says, "I smell syrup!" The third mole is behind the other two, starts sniffing and says, "All I smell is mole ...
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A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead notice a sticky white substance on the floor of the elevator up to their flat...

“Looks like semen” says the brunette, eyeing it

“Smells like semen” says the blonde, sniffing it

“Nobody in this building”, says the redhead, tasting it

Two guys are lost in the desert.

They wonder around for several days when the first guy stops and starts sniffing the air.

"You smell that...?" He says to his friend, who begins sniffing.

"Is that... bacon?" The friend responds.

"It is! Look!" He points off in the distance to a large plant. "Its a bacon-tree!"<...
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A joke translated from Romanian

Two policemen were sitting in the office. One of them kept sniffing and tasting his nails.

The second one asked, „What are you doing?“.

„I am trying to figure out if this thing under my nails is shit or mud.“

The second one said, „Let me see!“ and proceeded to taste it. „It‘s de...

Two men in an elevator...

Two men in an elevator.

One says to the other, sniffing: "excuse me, did you pass wind?"

The other answers, sounding hurt and offended: "of course I did! Do you think I always stink like this?"
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The nymphomaniac

The nymphomaniac said to her friend "I've got an odd problem -- every time I sneeze, I have a incredible orgasm."

Her friend asks "What are you taking for it?"

"Sniffing pepper" The Nympho replies

What do dog window shoppers say?

Just Sniffing
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A blonde was out camping in the woods one day when she encountered a big Grizzly bear. Just when she was about to run, she remembered hearing that playing dead can save her life.She was told to be completely still and not make any noise. As she laid on the ground playing dead she felt the bear sniff...
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A man brought a very limp dog into the veterinary clinic

A man brought a very limp dog into the veterinary clinic. As he laid the dog on the table, the doctor pulled out his stethoscope, placing the receptor on the dog's chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head sadly and said, "I'm sorry, but your dog has passed away." "What?" screamed the ma...
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Another Russian joke I love :)

*To understand the joke you need to be familiar a bit with the "pioneer movement" that was is Soviet Russia, essentially it's a organization for children formed by a communist party where they wear read scarfs, walk around with a drum, and are raised to epitomize civility.*

An elderly woman i...

A blind man walks into a restaurant...

The owner greets the blind man and asks him how he can help him choose a meal "shall I read to you our menu? “the owner asks.

" no need" says the blind man, "just bring me a selection of dirty forks and I'll know what to choose."

Curious, the owner goes back to the kitchen, gets a hand...
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Drugs in the Savanna

A rabbit is running in the forest when he sees he giraffe rolling a joint.

The rabbit stops and says to the giraffe:

- Giraffe, my friend, don't smoke this joint. Come run with me to stay in shape!

The giraffe pauses, thinks it over, and throws her joint to follow the rabbit. Sh...

A Frenchman and a Mexican are sitting on a bench.

The Frenchman will occasionally sniff his fingers and say, "Ah, Fifi. My Fifi."

One day the Mexican asks, "What is this you're doing with the 'Fifi'?"

The Frenchman responds, "Every morning I finger my wife, Fifi, so I can smell her and think of her fondly. "

The next morning t...
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A man was speeding along the road in a van, doing well over 100, until he was pulled over by a police car. "Sir, do you know how fast you were going? Let me see your license" The man responded "Officer, I don't have a license"

"What?? Where is the paperwork for this van?"
r>"I don't have any paperwork, this is a stolen van. I was making a drug run when you stopped me."

The officer immediately pulled the man out of the van, handcuffed him, and put him in the back of his police car before calling for backup....

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