Paddy McCoy, an elderly Irish farmer, recently received a letter from the Department for Work & Pensions stating that they suspected he was not paying his employees the statutory minimum wage and they would send an inspector to interview them.
On the appointed day, the inspector turned up. "Tell me about your staff," he asked Paddy.
"Well," said Paddy, "there's the farm hand, I pay him £240 a week, and he has a free cottage.
Then there's the housekeeper. She gets £190 a week, along with free board and lodging.
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So the army is forced to cut the pensions of some of their veterans...
In order to repay the veterans for their service they bring in three veterans. They tell the three that they will be reimbursed in money, in that each one can choose two points of their body, and the distance between the two will be how much money they receive. Anyway, the first man goes and says...
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The politician, 1913
He was a young man - a candidate for an agricultural constituency - and he was sketching in glowing color to the audience of rural voters the happy life the laborers would lead under an administration for the propagation of sweetness and light.
"We have not yet three acres and a cow, but it w...
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
A German taxi driver was on his shift...
He is driving one of these Mercedes models that have the Mercedes emblem as a hood ornament.
A guy waves him down, so he stops and let him enter. It was a tourist, in town on his first trip to Germany. The driver asks: "So, how do you like our country?" The guy answers: "Oh, it's great. B...
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GREAT NEWS !!!!! I just figured it out...
I am a Seenager (Senior teenager). I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later. I don’t have to go to school or work. I get an allowance (pensions). I have my own pad. I don’t have a curfew. I have a driver’s license (so far) an...
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Um Gwalla gwalla
The state senator was seeking votes for his election campaign for Congress and decided to visit the local Indian reservation. He stood in the large community hall and told the Indians what he would do for them if he was elected. "I think the time as come when you people deserve to really control ...
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