karateaikidojujutsufencingkendojudoboxingkickboxingtaekwondoself-defensesavateeskrimacombat sportcombatchina

Why did the martial artist not pass the maths test.

Because he was kung-fused.

What's a martial artist's favorite beverage?


what do martial artists eat?

kung food

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I hooked up with a martial artist last week.

She floated like a butterfly, and now it stings when I pee.

Everyone knows of famous martial artist, Bruce Lee

He also had a brother, the revolutionary vegan activist, Brocco Lee

Two martial artists...

...are arguing over who would win a fight between a skilled swordsman carrying a broadsword and a master wielder of an ÊpÊe. They agree that the only way to settle the argument is actually to fight one another, each using one of the two weapons. An epic battle ensues and then, the two swordsmen fein...

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Why are martial artists so stylish?

Cause they always have kick-ass shoes!

What do you call a martial artist who's masking his identity?

Not sure, but you might want to use his judonym.

The government will send a martial artist after you if you violate copyright law

IP Man

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[OC] I saw a Japanese martial artist, I've seen him on tv before so I excitedly waved at him. He was confused and said "I don't believe we've met"

I said "I recognize Judo".

What's the difference between a ginger and a ninja?

One's a soulless killing machine. The other is a highly trained martial artist.

If someone draws pictures of Eminem for a living.

Are they a professional martial artist?

What do you call a biracial kid studying Kickboxing?

A mixed martial artist.

A bar owner puts out a challenge

He puts an ad in the paper saying that if anyone can beat his bartender in a feat of strength, then he will give them 10,000$. So people come from all over trying to win the money, bodybuilders, construction workers, boxers, but nobody can beat him. In order to win, they must squeeze just one drop o...

2016 has done the impossible

It claimed the life of Chuck Norris.

"Carlos Ray "Chuck" Norris (born March 10, 1940) is an American martial artist, actor, film producer and screenwriter died this morning in his house in Oklahoma at the age of 76. He is feeling much better now and has fully recovered from this minor annoyan...

What do you call a grandma that know martial arts?

A grandmartial artist.

I apologise for any lost brain cells.

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