oklahomatexasnew yorkdeatheuthanasiabarbituratehangingparalyticelectric chairtennesseejay chapmanmissouriinjectionsuicidepoison

What does a modern excutioner, with a sense of humor do, before injecting lethal injection?

\- Disinfect the arm, to prevent infection.

I once tried to make a joke about a botched lethal injection...

...but the execution failed.

Everyone is debated capital punishment nowadays talking about lethal injection and humane treatment. Me, I think we should just shoot them in the head...

Seems like a no-brainer to me

A Blonde, a Brunette, and a Redhead are sentenced to death.

They come face to face with the executioner and he asks each which way they would prefer to die: electric chair or lethal injection.

The Redhead says that she’ll go with the lethal injection. The executioner readies his equipment and gives her the injection. Within 10 minutes she is dead....

Newfie execution

A Torontonian, an American and a Newfoundlander are involved in a grisly crime and are all sentenced to death. The executioner told them that they would each get to choose the method by which they would die.

Their choices were: lethal injection, electric chair or by hanging.

The Americ...

Florida releases new form of capital punishment!

Florida has long held the record for a plethora of options when it comes to the death penalty - hanging, electric chair, gas chamber, lethal injection, firing squad - just to name a few.

Florida Governor Rick Scott announced today that they will be adding Arby's to the list. Death row inmate...

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call him maestro... or else

many years ago there was an orchestra in omaha whose conductor was notoriously ill tempered. he would fly off the handle at the smallest mistake, yet he would never offer any constructive criticism. he thought he was the greatest, and demanded to be called maestro. but sometimes, he'd give the wrong...

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