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Sweet dreams are made of cheese

Who am I to diss-a-Brie? I cheddar the world and the feta cheese, everybody’s looking for Stilton.
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After several visits to the doctor's I've finally been referred to rehab for spending all my days smoking drugs and looking up jokes about cheese.

Hopefully I can kick my addiction to meth and feta memes.
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What do you call a mandalorian who loves cheese?

Feta Bob
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Who was the cheesiest singer that ever lived?

Feta James
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Have you heard about the South African man who went to Greece and would only eat cheese?

He got Feta and Feta and Feta.
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What do you call someone who's sexually attracted to Greek cheese?

A Feta-shist

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What do you call a child molester with a lot of cheese?

A pedophile with a feta pile

Which Star Wars character is obsessed with cheese?

Boba Feta.
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My younger brother took his life 3 years ago. Always a comedian, here’s his cheesiest joke

Farmesan the dairy farmer is feeling bleu because of a string of falls he's been suffering. He calls up his doctor, Dr. Edam JaColby, and tells him "Doc, I'm in so much paineer!"and schedules an appointment. So Farmesan carephilly stumbles over to the clinic. "You mozzarella needed to see me cause y...
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My friend felt bad after making an offensive cheese pun. But I didn't think anything of it.

It's not feta judge him.
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I don't like Cow's Cheese, I prefer Sheep Cheese.

It's much Feta.
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So I was making this image...

There's this cat, and he's trying to find out how much cheese there is in a gyro. He knows its radius and length, but he asks "I can haz cheez density?"

Yeah, I know, it's not very funny.

I should probably stop using math and feta memes.
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Cheesy Jokes

What sort of cheese would you use to entice a bear from a cave?


What sort of cheese can hide a small horse?


Why did the cheese get beat up by the stone?

Because the Roquefort back

Why did the one legge...

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