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A man with no arms

A man with no arms is standing in front of a urinal. Another man walks in and see the man standing there. He walk over and starts to go to the bathroom and looks over at the man with no arms. "Uhhh do you need help bro?" Said the man with arms to the man with no arms. He says, "Sure bro thanks!" As ...

A man and his girlfriend are getting undressed together for the first time

The man took off his shoes and socks revealing feet with missing and deformed toes.

"What happened to your feet?" his girlfriend asked.

"I had a childhood disease called Tolio " the man said.

"Don't you mean Polio?"

"No, Tolio, it only affects the toes."

Not w...
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Grace Hopper was known for discovering the first computer bug...

However in actuality, it was Ada Lovelace who discovered it. She found a 17 year cicada stuck in her programmable weaving loom. The insect was oddly discolored and wandering around haphazardly. She asked her friend, what kind of bug is this? And the friend said, it's a sick cicada, Ada!
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I pick my women like I pick my watermelon.

A little rough with a discolored bottom and heavier than the appear.
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2 Bicyclists are riding down a bike path

The bike path goes by a lake, and through some trees. It's a moderately traveled path, but gets its fair share of riders. The bicyclists in question were riding down it on an otherwise pleasant day, when suddenly they reach a rough patch in the path. It looks contorted and discolored from the rest o...

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My kidnappers enjoyed torturing me

It was days before one of them allowed me to finally drink any water. When he gave me the jug of discolored water, the grin on his face had me terrified to drink it, and I instantly imagined it was full of poison. But I couldn't help myself; I was too thirsty. I drank it all.

Still I couldn't...

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