chlorinedisinfectantperoxidevinegarwhitewhitenammoniacloroxhypochloritesodium hydroxidebenzoyl peroxidechlorine dioxidebacteriaoxidationwhitener

TIL the American flag on the moon is now bleached completely white by the sun so historians and/or other species would never know it was America that first landed on the moon

They'll think it was France
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Stormy Daniels says Donald Trump paid $130,000 hush money to cover up an affair. Do you believe the bleached blond with big tits?

Or do you believe Stormy Daniels?

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You can get your asshole bleached

And just tell people you changed your ringtone.

All of the flags on the moon have been bleached white by the radiation from the sun..

.. making it officially French territory.
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I didn't believe women were getting their assholes bleached

Then my sisters boyfriend took his hat off...

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My girlfriend likes to get her anus bleached or I like to put it,

Change her ringtone.

Did u know that al the flags on the moon have been bleached white due to radiation?

This makes the moon an official province of France
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Did anybody see the article about the leopard whose fur was bleached solid white?

It was recently spotted
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The flag planted on the moon is now completely white, since it has been bleached by decades of cosmic radiation...

The US should replace the flag sometime soon, we don't want people to think the French were the first to complete a lunar landing!
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White flags

The American flags planted on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts have been exposed to high levels of UV rays for decades. This has bleached them pure white.

So now it looks like the French landed there.
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I tried looking up pictures of Freud's mother to see what his deal was,

Apparently, there aren't any good surviving pictures,

they all look kinda bleached & whitened from over-cleaning.
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Sharing Secrets

Tammy and Margo met for drinks at Happy Hour. After a few drinks Tammy said, I have to tell you a secret, I am getting a boob job.

Margo said, Wow, that is awesome. Let me know, and I will help you any way that I can.

After a few more drinks Margo said, I wasn't going to tell you, but...

A plane was traveling across the Atlantic...

...when there was an explosion from one of the engines.

Pilot: "I'm afraid we're all gonna crash and die because it's just too heavy to keep it in the air."

Despite throwing all unnecessary items from the plane, it still descended rapidly.

Suddenly, a Frenchman stood up and shou...
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I see people disliking black hole

If it was bleached then maybe they would like it

Then again, some ass holes need to lighten up

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Stormy Daniels should run for president

If we're going to have an inept asshole in office I'd rather have a bleached inept asshole

Back during the Apollo moon-missions, NASA astronauts left an American flag on the surface of the moon.

Over the years, unfortunately, the sun's harsh cosmic rays have bleached the flag completely white. So, any future visitors to the moon will no longer be able to find any proof that the *US* went to the moon, since the only flag left is the French flag.
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Two blondes were discussing the merits of cosmetic surgery.

The first blonde says, "I have to be honest. I am planning to get a boob job."

The second says, "Yea, I going to get my asshole bleached this week."

To which the first replies, "Whoooa, I just can't picture your husband as a blonde."

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What does Dr. Dre have in common with a pornstar?

They both have a bleached asshole.

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So two women were eating lunch.

Two women were eating lunch and talking about cosmetic surgery. One said, "I'm getting a boob job." The other replied, "oh that's nothing. I'm getting my asshole bleached." The other woman then replies, "really? I can't imagine your husband as a blonde."

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