acetoneethanoldichloromethanephosgenechlorinebleachtrichloromethanediethyl etheranaestheticethercarbonhydrogenphenolmethanolazathioprine

I always use chloroform when stealing a child.

Really puts the "nap" in "kidnap".
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An anesthesiologist asks his colleague, "Man I borrow some chloroform?"

"Knock yourself out."
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Good choice.

Me: To make a woman laugh is the second best method to get her to sleep with you.

Her: And what is the best method?

Me: Chloroform.

Her: You are funny!

Me: Good choice.
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my kid asked if he could buy a chemistry set to make chloroform.

I said sure, knock yourself out.
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Does this joke smell like chloroform to you?

Well it kinda do-
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If you're going to drink and drive, always carry a flask in your car

If you get pulled over for a DUI, put the flask in your lap, suspiciously​ insist that it's "water," and that's when the officer finds out that's it's chloroform.
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The Scots invented hypnosis, chloroform and the hypodermic syringe.

Wouldn't it just be easier to talk to a woman?
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It takes up to 5 minutes for Chloroform to work

And it takes additional applications for the desired outcome.

......talk about an awkward evening
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How to get out of friendzone

"Hey does this rag smell like chloroform to you?" Works everytime
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Ruin a date in 5 words...

Does this smell like chloroform?
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A man and a women are on a blinddate

Suddenly the man says: „ You know, I have experienced that humor is the second best method to get someone in bed“
Puzzled she asks him: „ Then what is the best?“
He answers: „ Chloroform“
She chuckles: „You certainly have humor“
He mutters:„Good choice“
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What is the most calming scent?

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LPT: If you've got toddlers at home, and you're going to take them out...

You can probably get away with using a light sedative. Save chloroform for children 12 and older.
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I asked my secret crush if she wanted to invest in my new invention idea, chloroform kleenex.

She decided to sleep on it...at my place.
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I have this thing for girls with big butts


Attention: The chemical CHCl3 has been proven to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

So before you leave your home to engage in risky behavior, make sure you soak your mask in chloroform.
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What’s the most effective chat up line in the world?

Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?
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How do you make any girl fall for you?

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I was walking behind a girl late at night

I open silently the bottle of chloroform so she doesn't freak out.
I put out my tissue,
put chloroform on it,
clean my nose,
and pass out

I'm not a smart man
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Yeah sex is great and all that...

But chloroform gets expensive after a week or two

A young altar boy walks into a room with a priest

The priest instructs him to observe his surroundings.

"What do you see"

"I see a light, and some walls, and a door."

"Now, what do you hear"

"I hear birds chirping and the wind blowing."

The priest gestured to the boy and showed him a small rag.

"Now, what d...
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What cologne does Bill Cosby wear?

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Theme 3: 1 Liners, Words of Wisdom

*I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather.. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.

*Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

*Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in ...

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Girlfriend caught me having sex last night

I'm surprised she woke up, next time I'll use more chloroform.

I've gotten 100000+ girls in bed with this line.

Does my handkerchief smell like chloroform?
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What's colorless and smells sweet?


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Why did I need to bring a shovel on my first date?

Clearly the chloroform wasn't enough.
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Welcome to organic chemistry

Where questions like 'where do you keep your chloroform?', are no longer suspicious.
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A girl who I've been seeing goes to sleep early.

But that's mostly from the chloroform.
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