immunizationinoculationsmallpoxvaccinemeaslesinfectionvirusedward jennerrabiesimmunisationpoliodiseasemumpsmeningitisrubella

Australia said: "No one can come without vaccination".

Djokovic understood: "No 1 can come without vaccination".

I have a vaccination joke…

… but some of you won’t get it.

You know you’re a 90s kid when...

your vaccinations were mandatory and no one in your class got measles.

Thanks to these vaccination cards...

I'll never lose my v card

Vaccination awareness is rising

Last night I saw a young man vaccinate himself behind a dumpster

Mr. T was getting his COVID-19 vaccination

and the nurse wouldn't stop talking.

He said, "Quit your jibber, jabber."

What do bartenders and anti-vaccination parents have in common?

They don't give shots to kids!

what do the elderly least want to hear at the covid vaccination clinic ?

“Dr shipman will see you now”

I finally convinced my hillbilly friend to get a Covid vaccination, but he doesn’t want Moderna.

He says, “ just because she sang some good pop songs back in the 80s don’t mean she knows how to make a vaccine!”.

Vaccine Warning!

This happened yesterday and is important information for the boomer age group.
A friend had his 2nd dose of the vaccine at the vaccination center after which he began to have blurred vision on the way home.
When he got home, he called the vaccination center for advice and to ask if he should...

I have absolute proof the Covid vaccine isn’t Bill Gates’ way to control us.

My husband had the vaccination yesterday and he still hates Microsoft Teams.

You should get your flu vaccination.

It's worth a shot.

William Shakespeare came to get vaccinated.

Nurse: Which arm?

Shakespeare: As You Like It

Nurse: Was that painful?

Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing

Nurse: You will have to have a second jab.

Shakespeare: Measure For Measure

Nurse: So what do you think of the general awareness with regard to Covi...

Why do people like getting their vaccinations from Eminem?

You only get one shot.

My girlfriend of 3 years told me that she's not worried about getting her Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccination.

She said, at this point, she's accustomed to one small prick.

Somebody offered me free Hamilton tickets if they could have my place in line at the Covid vaccination clinic, but I had to turn them down.

Not throwing away my shot!

What kind of vaccinations are required for ghosts?

"Boo"ster shots!

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