smallpoximmunizemeaslesinoculatevaccinationimmunisepoliotyphoid feverdiphtheriaimmune systempolio vaccinepathogencowpoxinfluenzarecombinant dna

I absolutely refuse to vaccinate my kids.

I'll have the doctor do it instead; he's trained for it.
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Don't vaccinate your children!

Let a trained medical professional do it!
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How do you tell the difference between a fully vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person if they aren't wearing a mask?

Ask them who won the election.
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“Doctor, I intend to not vaccinate my son. Should I take any precautions?”

“Yes. Don’t get too attached to him”.
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I decided not to vaccinate my daughter...

I let the nurse do it instead; she's much more adept with a syringe.
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A friend of mine, a mother of four, refused to have her children vaccinated.

Edit: mother of three...
Edit: mother of two...
Edit: mother of one...

*Thanks for the upvotes, never thought I'd make it to the front page!!
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Non-vaccinated children are less likely to have autism

Because autism is rarely diagnosed before the age of 3
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Vaccinated babies are 10 times more likely to die from heart disease, cancer, and alzheimer’s.

Keep kids from dying from old age, stop vaccinating today.
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Im not going to vaccinate my kids because its too dangerous

Id rather the doctors do it to ensure its done right
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I won’t vaccinate my kids.

I’ll leave that to a professional.
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"Mom, why didn't you vaccinate me?"

"I didn't want you to get autism, honey."

"Thanks mom. I could have not survived having autism and polio at the same time."
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You don't have to vaccinate your children.

Just the ones you want to keep.
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“I will never vaccinate our children” yelled my husband.

“Why can’t we just pay a doctor to do that like a normally family” he said.
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"Doc, can you vaccinate my child?"

"I guess I can give it a shot."
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I don't vaccinate my kids and they live to more than 80...

That's a lot of days.
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People who vaccinate their kids are crazy!

Hell no, I didn’t vaccinate my son! Are you out of your mind!? I had a doctor do it!
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Let me just say that I'll NEVER vaccinate myself or my children!

I'll rather have a healthcare worker do that.
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Best way to vaccinate the masses

Train all of the Amazon drivers to give it.
Everyone will have it by Saturday.
Thursday if you have Prime.

I heard they're not letting Eminem get fully vaccinated.

They told him "you only get one shot."
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-Doctor, i don't want to vaccinate my kids, what should i do?

-Don't get too emotionally attached
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I don't vaccinate my jokes.

So they never get old.
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Do you know why more vaccinated than unvaccinated children have autism?

Because you have to be alive to be autistic
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I didn't vaccinate my kids

And the one that lived turned out fine!
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I have decided that I will not vaccinate my children.

I think it should be done by a doctor with experience.
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I would never vaccinate my kids. That is unnatural, dangerous, pointless, expensive and reckless.

I'd take them to the doctor to vaccinate them instead

I'm never going to vaccinate my children...

...I'll leave that to the doctors and nurses!
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I will never Vaccinate my children. It's not safe

I'd rather go to a professional doctor to vaccinate them for me.
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I don‘t vaccinate my kids!

I am a proud mother of 4 unvaccinated kids!
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I don’t vaccinate my child.

That would be extremely irresponsible. I pay a medical professional to vaccinate him.
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What's the difference between parents who don't vaccinate their children and ISIS?

One is a group made up of radicals with extremist views.









And the other group is ISIS.
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My parents didn't vaccinate their kids.

Fortunately, I was adopted by them and it helped me to become their sole heir.
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Whatever you do, please don't vaccinate your kids!

Get a doctor to do that you pickle!
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President Biden visits a fully vaccinated senior home

After a heartful speech in which he thanked the staff for their effort and the residents for their sacrifices he was doing the hand-shaking round. As he greeted a particular old woman who appeared to be quite "out of it", he asked her, "Do you know who I am?". Her response was simply, "No, but there...
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Anthony Mundine thinks that people shouldn't vaccinate their children...

I don’t think people should be taking medical advice from someone who used to get punched in the head for a living.
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I tried to tell some of my vaccinated friends a joke about measles.

But they just didn't get it.
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I'm vaccinated against chicken pox AND monkey pox.

I'm 2Pox Secure.
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How can you know for sure whether someone is really vaccinated?

Ask them who won the election.
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I have 3 children and I have never, nor will I ever vaccinate them

The simple act of it alone is reckless and exposes my children to so many potential dangers. I have no medical training whatsoever and would rather let their doctor do it instead.
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an extrovert, an alcoholic and a karen were reluctant to take the covid vaccine

an extrovert, an alcoholic and a karen were reluctant to take the covid vaccine. the doctor tries to persuade them

the extrovert denies

" you won't be able to go to public gatherings anymore"

the extrovert agrees to take it

the alcoholic denies

"you will ha...
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Why do vaccinated people don't appreciate a Covid joke

They usually just don't get it
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We should line up all the parents who do not vaccinate their children...

and push them off the edge of the earth
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Vaccinated kids are more likely to develop autism

The unvaccinated die before they get the chance
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You know why vaccinated children are more likely to have autism?

They live past the age of three
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I would never vaccinate my own child because of all the complications

Thats why I leave it to the certified medical professionals to do it.
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It’s a good thing I didn’t vaccinate my kids.

The doctor was more suited to give the shots instead.
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A recent study shows that 8 out of 9 people vaccinate their kids.

That's one asinine statistic.
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Unvaccinated kids have been found to have lower IQ's than vaccinated children.

Can't blame them, their parents are dumb as fuck.

Just got vaccinated!

Nothing special really, but you do get tired and just want to go home and browse Internet Explorer or Edge.
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It is scientifically proven that those who vaccinate have higher rates of autism.

Because the non-vaccinated children never lived long enough to be surveyed.
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I got a kid in Africa who I feed, clothe, school, and vaccinate for less than $1/day.

That is nothing compared to what it cost me to send him there.
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I'm an anti vaccine activist, and didn't vaccinate my children.

They're all dead, but at least they don't have autism!
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my girlfriend got vaccinated today

now she wont hold any air
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I found out how vaccines cause autism,

Vaccinated kids live long enough to be diagnosed with autism.
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I already got vaccinated with the Russian COVID-19 vaccine

And I can təll you not to woяяy! I still doи't seə anч sidə efectoski secundarioski и меня зовут Лопес Обрадор, и я коррумпирован и лжец и почему я даю чистые прямые награды
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A friend of mine went to take the vaccine for covid yesterday

After getting vaccinated, his vision was blurred and when he reached home, he called the hospital that gave him the vaccine for advice asking if he should be hospitalized.

The hospital told him to come back and collect his glasses
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Did you hear about Fred? He passed away.

Really? That's so sad. What happened?

He got vaccinated yesterday and died this morning.

Oh, no. I knew that vaccines were harmful. It killed him!

Actually, he got hit by a car, a Mercedes. So he died from the Benz.
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I don’t vaccinate my kids because I don’t feel safe jamming a needle into their arm.

I’d rather have a professional do it
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I only have sex with vaccinated women

Well just as well, they don't mind a little prick.

The real truth about vaccines

I got vaccinated as a kid. As a result, I'm now starting to gray and bald. My balding got so bad I had to shave my head. I've also gained weight. Because of vaccines I have started aging instead of dying as a baby.
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William Shakespeare came to get vaccinated.

Nurse: Which arm?

Shakespeare: As You Like It

Nurse: Was that painful?

Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing

Nurse: You will have to have a second jab.

Shakespeare: Measure For Measure

Nurse: So what do you think of the general awareness with regard to Covi...
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Great news! The U.S. is now 61.7% fully vaccinated ...

... and 28.4% fully dewormed.
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