pandemicpneumoniafluantiviral drugfeverhivh5n1gastroenteritisgrippehemagglutininvirusepidemicswine fluswine influenzameasles

What do you call a disease with many followers?

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What’s the difference between Influencer and Influenza?

One wants to go viral, the other is already viral…
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If I spread the influenza to a group of people

Does that make me an influen-cer?
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What Do You Call A YouTube Sensation With A Computer Virus?

A social influenza.
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What do you call someone infectious on Insta?

An Influenza.
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What kind of Instagram user would COVID-19 be?

An Influenza
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What happened when the flu joined instagram?

She became an influenza!
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Have you heard about the social media stars who are coughing and sick?

They're Instagram Influenzas
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What do the Russian gov't and Corona virus have in common?

They are both trying to influenza the election.
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How did the virus introduce itself?

Hi, I'm an influenza, check out my YouTube page!
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He's all over the place

Heard about that social media influenza who went viral? He's sick.
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What do you call a sick Instagram model?

An Influenza
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Why didn't the other viruses hang out with The Common Cold?

Because he is a bad influenza
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Why did the virus get a ticket?

Because he was driving under the influenza......
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