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My ex said my penis resembled a tic tac.

So I asked her, then why does your sister still have bad breath?

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If there's a girl sitting in front of you with her ass crack showing and you drop Tic Tacs down there, what you call it?


A duck waddles into a hotel’s lobby convenience store…

…and loudly asks the bored clerk, “Hey, where can a guy get some Tic Tacs?”

Incredulous, the store clerk responds to the waterfowl at his feet, “Did you just ask for Tic Tacs?”

“Yeah, Tic Tacs,” says the duck. “Got a date with a smokin’ hot redhead.”

Not knowing for certain how...
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I played my Asian friend in Tic Tac Toe

It was a Thai.
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Did you hear about the guy who invented the tic tac?

He made a mint!

I'll take my stuff and leave with my dad jokes.
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I annoyed my friend so he mixed up my Tic Tacs.

That's one of his Tac Tics.
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Bully: I bet your dick is a size of a tic tac

The quiet kid: That's why your mom's breath smells so good

Jeffrey Dahmer didn't like Tic Tacs or gum.

He preferred men toes.
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I ate a tic tac yesterday

And I developed another toe. That's three in a row now
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What is Donald Trump's favorite flavor of Tic Tac?

..... Tempermint
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What do Libertarians call Tic Tacs?

Tics, because they’re against tacses
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My toenails turned green, shrank, and started smelling like mint.

My doctor says I have a rare condition called Tic Tac Toes.
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You know what they call the strategy involving freshmints while playing a game of timed tic tac toe?

The tic tac tick tick tic tac toe tactic
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What do you call someone with mints on their feet?

Tic tac toes
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What can you say about a man who pops a couple tic tacs before beginning speaking?

He mints his words.
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I once amputated a man's toe and replaced it with a prosthetic made from a breath mint.

I gave him a Tic Tac toe.
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I've invented a new game. You use small breath mints as playing pieces in the old-fashioned match-3-in-a-row game. I'd be happy to teach you my strategy for winning this game, but I'll have to charge you a small fee:

Call it a Tic Tac Tic-Tac-Toe Tactics Tax.
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Why do dyslexic chess players have such fresh breath?

Because they're so good at finding Tic Tacs.
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A Chinese-owned social media platform has been poisoning breath mints to accomplish their goals.

It's the TikTok tic tac tactic.
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If athletes get athlete's foot, what do candy makers get?

Tic tac toe
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My friend kept trying to balance mints on his foot

Turns out he was playing tic tac toe
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A confused mother watches her 4 year old son...

A confused mother watches her 4 year old son. on the staircase, he has the family cat and a box of tic tacs, and he is slowly and methodically eating one tic tac, licking the cat, and moving down one step. He then repeats this, over and over.

He is about half way down the stairs when finally ...

What game does Homer Simpson always lose?

Tic Tac Doh!
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A man accidentally dropped his kitchen knife onto his foot and unfortunately lost his toe.

The Doctor said "I have good news and bad news"

Man.. "Whats the bad news Doc?

Doc.. "Well, you see, they had to replace your toe with a piece of candy."

Man.. "Candy? So what's the good news?"

Doc.. "You now have tic tac toe"
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[NSFW] Mr Cadbury met Miss Rowntree on a Double Decker.

It was just After Eight.

They got off at Quality Street.

He asked her name. ‘Polo, I’m the one with the hole’ she said with a Wispa.

‘I’m Marathon, the one with the nuts’ he replied.

He touched her Cream Eggs, which was a Kinder Surprise for her.

Then he slipped hi...
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