rational numbernatural numbernumberwhole numberdecimalsubsetdouble digitnatural numbersreal numbersetmultiplicationpolynomialscalarmodulobinary

List all odd integers from 1 to 20

1, 3, 5, 7, George Bush, 13, 15, 17, 19.

I have a fear of numbers which aren't the ratio of two integers.

It's really irrational.

Why can’t integers swim?

Because they can’t float

Why did the integer stop multiplying with other integers of equal value?

He was Squared Straight.

I tried to explain what integers are

It was pointless

The set of natural numbers, the set of rational numbers, and the set of integers walk into a bar

Before long, they've had their fill and start causing drunken havoc, disturbing all the patrons. The bartender intends to get to the bottom of this matter. Reasoning that a mathematician would be able to help, he calls Bertrand Russell.

"Hey, I've got three sets in my bar and they're acting p...

When someone tells you that the integers are a more useful set of numbers than the natural numbers, stop talking to them.

You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Berlin's Hottest Nightclub

A hot new nightclub, Integers, opened up in Berlin. The club's
advertising referenced the "infinite" amount of space on the inside, and its excellent location downtown. The walls were sleek and black, with purple house lights and an immaculate sound system. Drinks were all priced at whole dollar...

Completely Original Joke About Numbers That I'm Sure Has Never Occurred To Anyone

While I've always been able to count on the cardinal numbers, I find that some of the integers can be negative, but at least they're still rational. But as long as a number can be real with me, I don't care how dense they might be.

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