A young married couple decides to join a church...
They attend a few introductory classes and meet with the pastor, who will decide whether they'll be approved for membership.
The pastor says, "Well, as you may have heard, we take fasting pretty seriously here. And Lent is just around the corner. I'd like to ask you to do something that may s...
A sufficiently advanced society has synthesized all human knowledge
in pill form. So an undergraduate goes to the drug store and asks the pharmacist if he has history, economics, and literature. The pharmacist disappears into the back. When he returns, he has three little boxes and says
"Here, take this purple one for all of human history—from the origins all...
The world's philosophers and theologians have gathered for a summit...
...held, dramatically enough, on the summit of an actual mountain. Everyone was having a great time, mingling together, discussing the great philosophical questions of the day.
Rumors started to swirl around about one particular holy man who had joined the day's festivities. This particularly...
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