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Kim Jong-Un decides he wants to go hunting and takes his three top ministers with him, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Defense, and the Minister of Propaganda.

After a short while of stomping aroiund in the woods, they come across some ducks. Kim turns to his Minister of the Interior.

"Shoot the ducks!" he orders.

The Minister of the Interior raises his shotgun, aims, fires, and misses all the ducks.

Kim stares at him. The ducks start ...
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There's a little-known, but foolproof defense against sharks.

Sharks will only attack you if you're wet.
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I am absolutely exhausted from my French self-defense class.

I've never run so far in my life.

I went to my local self defense gym and asked if I can take 2 classes today. They said no

ā€œYou can taekwondoā€
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Can you make a sentence containing the words defense, defeat and detail?

When a horse jumps over defense, defeat goes before detail
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How do you get past defense?

You open degate.
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Donā€™t urinate on people in self defense

Youā€™re just going to make them more pissed

The Defense pleads 'Not Guilty by reason of insanity' and loses

They go to appeal and plead 'not guilty by reason of insanity' again, expecting a different result.

They win the appeal.
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A defense Lawyer was cross-examining a police officer

A defense attorney was cross-examining a police officer during a felony trial - it went like this:
Q. Officer, did you see my client fleeing the scene?
A. No sir, but I subsequently observed a person matching the description of the offender running several blocks away.
Q. Officer, who pr...
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In a murder trial, the defense attorney was cross-examining a pathologist:

Attorney: Before you signed the death certificate, had you taken the pulse? Coroner: No.

Attorney: Did you listen to the heart? Coroner: No.

Attorney: Did you check for breathing? Coroner: No. ...
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A young lawyer who recently hung out his shingle, was retained by a criminal with $5 and a very poor defense

"Well, you got a case, son," said his proud father.

"Yes, dad."

"And what advice did you give your client?"

"After listening to his story I collected what money he had and advised him to retain a more experienced lawyer."

Source: 1913 newspaper
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"I have good news and bad news," a defense attorney told his client....

First the bad news:

The blood test came back, and your DNA is an exact match with that found at the crime scene."

Oh, no!" cried the client. "What's the good news?"

"Your cholesterol is down to 140."
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For those of you saying the Uvalde officers disprove the "good guys with guns" defense

Remember that only applies to GOOD people.
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A small town lawyer called his first witness to the stand in a trial, a 80 year old woman. He approached her and asked, "Mrs. Singh, do you know me?"

She responded, "Why, yes, I do know you Mr. Kulkarni. I've known you since you were a young boy. And frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. Yes, I know you."

The lawyer was stunned. Not kn...
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Did you hear about the defense attorney that used to be a prostitute?

He helped a lot of people get off.

As part of his infrastructure plan, President Biden will be creating a new department to work with the Department of Defense

It will be called the Department of Degate
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What did the Mexican truck driver say in his defense when he got pulled over with ten tons of imported snails?

Es Cargo.
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The Department of Defense wanted to improve their survival training...

The select a sergeant from the Army, Marine Corp, and Air Force for interview, in order to see what they already know.

The interviewer asked the three sergeants, "OK. What would you do if you were away on deployment, you're about to go to sleep, when you find a large scorpion in your tent."...

In Self Defense

Tenant - "I simply won't stay here any longer. Those people above me banged on the floor early this morning, slammed doors, and jumped up and down as hard as they could. I won't stand it, I tell you!"

Landlady - "They woke you up, I suppose?"

Tenant - "No, I hadn't gone to bed yet. ...
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This is a joke I wrote myself. Itā€™s long, but I think itā€™s pretty good, personallyā€¦

This is a story about three friends who had known each other their whole lives.

They did everything together. You could not find one without the other two nearby. But, as so often happens, after graduation, they all went their separate ways. One of the friends went on to become a very success...

My girlfriend is mad because I could only last 2 minutes in bed

In my defense it was doggy style so it's more like 14 minutes.
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The Teacher instructed her class to create a sentence with the words; defense, defeat and detail.

Little Lisa, who was normally a very quiet and reclusive child immediately jumped and waved her hand excitedly. Thinking a breakthrough was imminent, she picked Lisa first. Lisa recited; The cat jumped over defense. Defeat went first, detail went last.
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The Secretary of Defense directed members of different services to secure a building.

The Navy personnel turned off the lights and locked the door.

The Army personnel occupied the building and ensured no one could enter.

The Marines attacked it, captured it, and set up defenses.

The Air Force secured a two-year lease with an option to buy.
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I went to a self defense course...

I still don't know many techniques I kendo to defend myself.
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One of Santa's helpers and a football player on the defense together went on a rampage.

It was elf and safety gone mad.
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The secretary of defense entered Donald Trump's office.

He told Donald Trump that a drone strike in South America had killed 4 brazilian people.

He expected Trump to take this lightly, but much to his surprise, Trump's face turned white with shock, and he promptly fainted.

After Trump awoke, the secretary of defense said "I didn't know you ...
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The Chiefsā€™ defense isnā€™t doing well against the Patriotsā€™ offense...

Reminds me of colonial times.
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Why is a van the best defense against the wolf man?

If he is behind you heā€™ll get exhausted, if heā€™s in front heā€™ll get tired.
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How do you say "Insanity defense" in Spanish?

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I decided to teach karate to my neighbors kid for his self-defense

He was enthusiastic for the first two days but then quit before he could finish painting the fence.
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An old joke from my childhood that is sadly relevant again.

**Bert and Ernie had worked together as radio hosts for twenty years.**

They traded jokes, played pop music and generally made people's lives a touch brighter as they trundled to work.

In one of the breaks they received a Fax. Ernie picked up the page and was in shock. Ernie silentl...
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Why is it when people demand proof of Godā€™s existence. You have to have faith, is an acceptable religious defense?

But when people demand proof that God told me to kill those kids. You have to have faith, isnā€™t an acceptable legal defense?

Iā€™m sick of double standards.
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Did you know words can be used for self defense?

Its the art of talkwondo
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Did you hear about the kid who always kept a drawing pin in his pocket during self-defense class?

Apparently he had heard that a tack is the best form of defense.
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I did a self defense course

I would't recommend anyone to attack me in slow motion
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What did the painting say in its defense?

I've been framed!
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Jungle Defense

A lost dog strays into a jungle. A lion sees this from a distance and says with caution, "This guy looks edible, never seen his kind before". So the lion starts rushing towards the dog with menace. The dog notices and starts to panic but as he's about to run he sees some bones next to him and gets a...
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So a man was sued for libel and slander...

The judge asked, "What's the defendant accused of saying?"

The plaintiff's attorney replied, "He called my client an, and I quote, 'incompetent motherfucker', your honor."

The judge nodded, "And what does the defense plea?"

The defendant's attorney rose, "Not guilty as charged, ...

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An elderly woman winds up in court for murder...

Defence barrister: 'Will you please state your full name.'

Agatha: 'Agatha Louise Hewson.'

Defence barrister: 'Will you please state your age'

Agatha: 'I am 94 years old.'

Defence barrister: 'Will you tell us in your own words what happened on the night in question.'

Today Trump tweeted a weird defense of himself for saying "Tim Apple" last week

How do you like Tim Apples?
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Rudy Giuliani is such a bad defense attorney that.....

He would have gotten an innocent WHITE man convicted.

Or you could say,

He would have gotten Brock Turner jail time.
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We had a history exam on medieval defense methods

I got an A for a fort
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Do you think Bill Cosby used "Kids say the darndest things" at any point in his defense?

The title is the whole joke. Itā€™s probably been said in one way shape or form but I think itā€™s funny.
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What self-defense class would Jesus take?

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In R.Kellyā€™s defense.....

He said that he didnā€™t see nothing wrong with a little bump-n-grind.....
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As a defense attorney for ED malpractice suits, I had a terrific strategy. . .

but it didn't stand up in court.
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Ignorance of the law is not a valid defenseā€¦

unless you're the president
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What do you call a Jewish person learning self defense?

Jew Jitsu

I've recently taken up a class in French Self Defense...

It's exhausting, I've never ran so far!
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What's a self-defense tactic used against the Nazis in World War II?


The Green Bay Packers' Defense

That's it. That's the joke. LET'S GO FALCONS!
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You've killed dozens and robbed hundreds of people using your hammer. What can you say in your defense?

&ndash; Defendant! Stop clowning and sit down!
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Breaking News: Secretary of Defense Mattis has released an official statement on the realistic outlook of a North Korean pre-emptive attack.

*"We'd whoop-them-Gangum-style."*
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I became ill after taking self-defense classes...

I think I caught Kung Flu.
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What was Pinocchio's defense when he was tried for armed robbery?

well, Geppetto was the one pulling the strings
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Come up with one sentence that uses, "defeat," "deduct," "defense," and "detail."

Easy. Defeat of deduct went over defense before detail.
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Bill Cosby's defense rested after 6 minutes into the trial.

I guess they drank his Kool-Aid.
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Mr. Marcus was briefing his client, who was about to testify in his own defense.

"You must swear to tell the complete truth. Do you understand?" The client replied that he did. The lawyer then asked, "Do you know what will happen if you don't tell the truth?" The client looked back and said, "I imagine that our side will win."
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PSA do not wear a washington wizards face mask.

CDC studies have shown they provide no defense
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My girlfriend hated that I told blind jokes

Years ago I dated a girl for about 6 months. We got along super well. I met her family, and she met mine. Things were getting pretty serious between us.

The only thing that we really argued about was my blind jokes. I loved saying them and she hated them. In her defense, she had a blind broth...
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Why don't cats make good burglars?

They can't get past the laser defenses
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What does the Israeli Defense Force call their firebombs?

Mazel-tov Cocktails

How is a good criminal defense lawyer like a dead hooker?

I use them both to get off.
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The year is 1944. The Americans are advancing fast. Adolf Hitler is furious and starts to listen to defensive tactics proposed by his commanders...

The first commander suggests they pull out the tanks from the Eastern front and deploy them in the Western front, so that the defenses there would be hard to go past.

"Are you crazy? That's a horrible idea!" Hitler exclaimed.

The second commander steps in and suggests a horrible idea f...

Elon Musk is considering removing blocking from Twitter

Which means your only options for defense will now be dodge and counter.
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What do you need if you're facing a RICO charge?

A "suave" defense! (For those old enough to understand).
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My insurance agent asked if I had ever hit a deer.

I told him that I had but in my defense he swung first.
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I think I figured out the source of the beef between Kyle Rittenhouse and LeBron James.

Kyle has LeBron sorely outclassed in both shooting and defense.
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People are shocked that a company fired a woman because of her bad figure.

But in their defense, it was *Figure 2.7: why my boss is an idiot.*
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The trees and the shrubs are at war.

The shrubs assemble a meeting to see how to breach the tree's defenses. The head shrub asks his subordinates to state who they are and what their plan is for attacking the trees.
One of the shrubs responds; "I am bush"
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A park ranger catches a hunter in the act of eating a spotted owl. Feathers and bones surround his campfire.

The ranger says, "The spotted owl is a highly endangered species. Killing one is a federal crime."

The man says, "Yes, I admit that I killed and ate that owl. However, in my defense, I was lost in the wilderness for three days and frankly I was starving. The bird flew directly at me; I raised...

A lumberjack was being cross-examined during a murder trial.

The defense lawyer, trying to discredit the lumberjack as a witness, asked him:

"Is it true you were working at night?  How can you be sure that it was a pine tree that fell on the victim?"

The lumberjack replied confidently: "I know what I saw."
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A spy stationed in a foreign country stopped responding to his handler.

A spy stationed in a foreign country stopped responding to his handler. After a while, the handler received a letter in the mail. It told her the spy has been compromised, but, before his capture, he'd snuck out some very important government secrets. He'd used the world's smallest memory card to co...
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I lost 15 pounds

But in my defense, babies are easy to misplace.
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Keep it simple stupid

Drill sgt. looks at the recruits at basic and says, ā€œIā€™m going to give you four important words in the Army and you need to make a sentence as quick as possible. The four words are; defense, defeat, deduct, and detail. Priā€™ate Johnson, go!ā€ Johnson just stares at the drill blankly. ā€œBoom, youā€™re dea...
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What's the difference between a hooker and an actress?

I don't think that's a very good defense mr weinstein
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Read the whole thing, itā€™s worth it

A woman sued a hospital stating that after recent treatment, her husband has lost interest in sex

The hospital in their defense stated ā€œall we did was correct his eyesightā€

A guy goes to Court because he thinks that his neighbor stole the fence surrounding his yard

Guy: This man has stolen the fence surrounding my house, which was contained in my property

Judge: understood. Do you, the accused have a defense?

Neighbor: yes.

Judge: **Guilty**
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Why Trojans are a terrible brand name

Trojans are a terrible name for a brand of condoms. Here's why: when you think of Trojans you think of the Trojan Horse. What's the Trojan Horse do? It sneaks past your defenses, then in the middle of the night it breaks open and a whole bunch of little dudes come spilling out of it. That's exactly ...
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You Might be a Redneck Jedi Ifā€¦

* You ever heard the phrase, "May the force be with yaā€™ll."
* Your Jedi robe is camouflage.
* You have ever used your light saber to open a bottle of Bud Light.
* At least one wing of your X-Wings is primer colored.
* You can easily describe the taste of an Ewok.
* You have ever had a...
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My wife asked why I keep my guns in the library.

I said it's for shelf-defense.
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How does a Shelf defend itself?

They learn Shelf-Defense.
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Last night a man attacked me.

Last night when i was coming home from work a man attacked me. He silently put the knife to my throat with his hand covering my mouth.. I think that's it, I'm done. He takes out his business card, gives it to me and leaves. With a pounding heart and shortness of breath, I read it.

It said : *...
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Severance Packages

The department of defense, in an effort to cut some costs decides to offer severance packages to some superfluous higher ranking officers. The offer is an honorable discharge and $1,000 for every inch between two points of their body of their choosing.

A Navy admiral takes this opportunity an...

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Relationship 101

I Recently broke up with my girlfriend because she wouldnā€™t stop gaining weight. I know I know that makes me sound like a dick but in my defense thereā€™s no way Iā€™m ready to be a father

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A man was taken to court by several people for spreading scandalous rumors about their sex lives

The judge asked the man, "Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

"Well your honor," responded the man. "I grew up on a very small land mass in the ocean and its just a part of our culture."

Not satisfied, the judge asked, "What culture could you possibly belong to that would lea...

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I walked into my gf..

..having sex with her gym trainer

I told her this isnt working out.

In her defense, she said it was her cheat day.

Putin is having a meeting in the Kremlin with his generals on the war in Ukraine.

When the meeting concludes, Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Defense is the first one to step out. As he does so, he mutters under his breath, "wily little prick". However, he is heard by Putin's secretary who immediately reports to his boss. Putin orders Shoigu to be brought back.

When he's back i...
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My wife hit me while she was doing yoga...

In her defense, I put myself in ā€˜arms way!!
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