
So they made a documentary on Netflix about Madeline McCann....

8 episodes, roughly 8 hours, and if you watched it you watched her more than her parents did.

I don't like Madeline McCann jokes...

There's always something missing from them.

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

What do Madeline McCann and a submarine have in common?

They're both at the bottom of the sea full of semen

What do Gerry McCann and Thomas Cook have in common?

Both will take you on holiday, but they won't bring you home

That new Madeleine McCann documentary on Netflix was great and all...

It just felt like there was something still missing...

I was going to post my best Madeline McCann joke

but my parents would kill me

What do you call an Irish petrol pump attendant?

Phil Mc Cann

I saw the new Madeline McCann documentary last night, donโ€™t want to spoil the ending but...

They got away with it.

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

A man who has an interest in painters and their works has a child.

A man who has an interest in painters and their works has a child. A boy, who grows to have his father's passion for art. One day when the boy is coming of age they have a big argument and the young man leaves his father's house to go out on his own. He is gone for many years.

During tha...

They say you canโ€™t get away with murder..

Well I know two people who McCann

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

What do you call nuts on a wall?

What do you call nuts on your wall?

What do you call nuts on your chest?

What do you call nuts on your chin?
A dick in your mouth.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Madeleine McCann


A group of beans were traveling around France...

They ended up in Cannes.

A man in the south of France today was surprised when he opened a tin of locally sourced duck when it started dancing

His canned Cannes canard can can-can!

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

Topical Jokes (5/19)

Good evening, folks! It is once again time to relay the jokes.

First up, if you're not following this story, you're missing out. The IRS scandal continues to get stickier. According to a White House insider, President Obama learned about the IRS scandal by watching TV news. As shocking as tha...

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