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What's the difference between a female farmer and Hitler's girlfriend?

One bails her hay and the other heils her bae

Why did they stop feeding cows the round bails of Hay in Texas?

Because they weren't getting a square meal.

Donald Trump,the Pope,and a boyscout were on a plane.

The plane had to do an emergency crash landing.The pilot comes running out screaming,"We have to do an emergency crash landing but we only have three parachutes.Its my plane,I'm taking one."and he bails.Donald Trump says,"Well I'm the smartest president America ever had."So he takes one and bails.Th...

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A rabbi, a priest, and a black guy are on an airplane...

The plane is full of kids but only has 2 parachutes. The black guy grabs one and bails immediately.

Rabbi: Give me the last parachute!

Priest: But what about the kids?


Priest: Do we have time?!

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Farmer problems (long joke)

There was a farmer, who owned a Datsun Ute. He used this Datsun for all his farm work, feeding the horses.. Throwing bails of hay out the back of it.. Carrying firewood and what not. When all of sudden one day, chug chug chug it breaks down.

So he decides to go back to the shed to grab his tr...

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