canon lawlawcivil lawcommon lawjurisprudencetax systemprecedentsalic lawlegislationlegalitysystemspenal codeshariasystemreligious law

I’m pitching a show about magical arts in the legal system

Subpoena the Teenage Witch

The Greek Legal System

A man and his wife were getting a divorce at a local court in Greece, but the custody of their children posed a problem.

The mother jumped to her feet and protested to the judge that since she had brought the children into this world, she should retain custody of them.

The man also ...

The legal system is like bleach,

Works perfectly for whites, but not with colors.

What do you call a vacuum that interferes with the legal system?

Obsuction of justice

Hopefully, Biden will never be the leader of my country

Because if he is, something‘s gone wrong with the Canadian legal system

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔


Three Jews who had recently converted to Christianity were having a drink together in a posh restaurant. They started talking about the reasons for their conversions.

“I converted out of love,” said the first. “Not for Christianity, but for a Christian girl. As you both know, my wife insisted...

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