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My dad said 'Son, stay out of strip clubs or you might see something you shouldn't.

So i went in and he was right.

I saw my dad.

I feel sorry for the guys who regularly go to strip clubs...

Every time I go I think, "Man, I see some of these losers here every week."

What do pirates and strip clubs have in common?

Neither can get enough booty

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Why does Hitler not like going to strip clubs?

He hates the Poles

I see the strip clubs are still open...

For take out only.

I bet Santa spends a lot of time at strip clubs

He loves them ho ho ho’s

Why don't they let whales into strip clubs?

They tend to humpback.

Why are strip clubs closed at night on Nov 3rd?

Because that's when the polls close.

I took a poll from all the local strip clubs.

100% of them wants their poles back.

I try not to talk about my time in strip clubs.

It always brings up bad mammarys.

Between my friends, museum is code word for Strip Clubs...

... because NO TOUCHING!!

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I don't understand the appeal of strip clubs...

All you do is throw money at women who refuse to have sex with you. If I wanted that I would be married.

Before the quarantine I was going to strip clubs almost every day

But now they're all clothed until further notice.

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