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Having a bad day at workā€¦

An associate goes to the bar in the top floor of his high rise office building and orders a drink. The place is empty except for the bartender and a lone man at the other end of bar. While staring into his drink, he canā€™t help but notice the other guy pound 4 shots.
ā€œMustā€™ve had a worse day than...

Once there was an inflatable boy who lived in an inflatable house with his inflatable parents.

Every morning when the inflatable alarm rang, he would leap out of his inflatable bed and into the inflatable shower, then when he was dressed he would go and sit at the inflatable table in the kitchen to eat his inflatable breakfast, and then run off and catch the inflatable bus to his inflatable s...

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A man works in a traveling zoo

the ship that they are on wrecks. Only he and a donkey survive and wash up on an island.

Day One: Man is hungry, finds food. Donkey eats grass.

Day Two: Man makes shelter, donkey chills. Man realizes he will have to go a long time without any human companionship...

Day Twenty:...

So, last semester I met this guy in my business class

He was cool & an international student. His name was Ving and was from China. His English was really good for a second language, better than I could ever be learning a second language. Weā€™d often hang out and I show him the sites and tourist destinations in my city. He's much cooler as well as b...

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A motorcycle cop stops

a driver for running a red light. The driver
is a real jerk, steps out of his car and comes striding toward the officer,
demanding to know why he is being harassed by the Gestapo!

So the officer calmly tells him of the red light violation. The motorist
instantly goes on a tirade,...

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