steam locomotiveboilerpistonsteamsteam turbineelectric motorturbinesteamerwaterwheelenginesteam powerjames wattheat enginelocomotivesteam boiler

What do you call a steam engine that transports low purity meth?

Thomas the Crank Engine

I filled a steam engine with Holy Water.

The Power of Christ Propels You!
The Power of Christ Propels You!
The Power of Christ Propels You!

What is the different between the original steam engine and the improved one


How did Thomas the Tank become a faster steam engine?

He trained.

Why do metalheads like steam engines so much?

They do a lot of chugging.

What do you call an emotional train?

A self-steam engine.

Teacher to a sleepy kid in class: Who invented the Steam engine?

Student trying to act awake: What sir?

Teacher : Correct, James Watt invented the steam engine.

[not mine, I heard it a few years ago, just had this in my thought train]

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