enginetrainrailcardiesel enginemultiple unitsteam locomotiverailwayfreightmotortramwagonsteamsteam enginerailroadpassenger

Why did the locomotive go off his tracks?

Because he wasn't trained properly.

Did you ever hear about the Mexican train killer?

He had locomotives

A North American Elk walks into a pizzeria...

A North American Elk walks into a pizzeria and sits at an empty table while he waits for the waiter. The waiter hands him a menu and the Elk ponders for a bit. He's not really in the mood for pizza, so he narrows it down to pasta. The Elk is finally ready to order, so he calls for the waiter. The wa...

Why did the locomotive scream when it looked back?

It was a freight of cargo.

What do you call a locomotive on the first day of the job?

A trainee.

How do locomotives know where they're going?

Lot's of training

How did the Latino kill 50 people at the same time?

I don't know. He must have had a locomotive.

Why is Jesus less powerful than a locomotive?

Because Jesus could only walk on water but a locomotive runs on steam.

Have you heard of Mussolini's herbal locomotive fuel?

He made the trains run on thyme.

What is the difference between a teacher and a locomotive.

A teacher says "Spit out your gum."

A locomotive says "Choo choo"

Here's a joke about a missing locomotive full of concepts and ideas.

Dang, I just lost my train of thought.

How did the locomotive become so outstanding in his field?

He trained hard.

What is it called when old-timey locomotives work together?


Superman: "I'm faster than a speeding bullet, and more powerful than a locomotive"

Batman: "I fight a penguin and a really persistent clown"

Did you hear about the locomotive that always did what it was told?

It was really well trained.

German tourists are travelling to USSR for the first time

They decide to go by train to see the scenery. After few hours the train stops. The train just stands there for 4 hours without any sign of moving. Eventually one of the Germans approaches the conductor and asks, what is happening:

''The driver is exchanging the locomotive''

''For 4 ho...

Why did the Hispanic man keep purchasing trains?

I'm not quite sure myself honestly but he has to have some sort of locomotive.

A detective is investigating a crime scene in Mexico.

A cop fills him in on what happened.

“Apparently the killer is riddled with dementia and considers the train his lover, so he killed the train operator out of jealousy”

“Wow” says the detective, looking up at the train in question.

“That’s some locomotive”

Why should you be careful around train conductors?

Because they have locomotives.

The Flying Scotsman

Alex Salmond's colleagues decided it would be a worthy gesture to name a railway locomotive after him, so an official went to the National Railway Museum at York to investigate the possibilities.

"There are a number of locomotives at the NRM without names," a consultant told the official, but...

So i asked my Spanish friend about the crazy pattern on the train

"Man that's a locomotive"

What's the difference between trains and ambitious lunatics?

None. They're both locomotives.

Why did the Spanish Psychopath only kill on trains?

Because he had a locomotive

I'm pleased with it.

(Came up with this earlier today and told my 14 year old daughter. She was not impressed.)

I'm going to write a new movie script. It will be about a locomotive that breaks down and must, by pure manpower alone, be pulled back to the rail yard.
I'll call it "How To Drag Your Train In."

How do you say "Insanity defense" in Spanish?


Military ranks

Leaps tall buildings with a single bound, is more powerful than a locomotive, is faster than a speeding bullet, walks on water amid typhoons, gives policy to God.

Leaps short buildings with a single bound, is more powerful than a switch engine, is just as fast as a spe...

Everyone knew it was the Spanish train operator who was behind the dead bodies hidden at the train station.

He always had a locomotive.

I once knew a Colombian conductor.

He was arrested for the murder of a passenger and in his confession he said he did it because the passenger was wearing pink shoes. I never would have thought that he was capable of something like this, but I must admit he had a locomotive.

Did you hear about the hispanic that's been stealing all the trains?

I heard he has some loco motives. (Locomotives)

An American, a Mexican, and a Russian are riding a train

They decide to have a wager on who's the best burglar, the rules being the lights go down and the person steals as much as they can without getting caught in the amount of time the lights are down on their turn.

The Mexican goes first, the lights go down, and they come back on one minute late...

Has anyone here heard of the Mexican train conductor who went crazy and ran over a bunch of people?

He had locomotives!

What do you call the reasoning behind mexican murderers?


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The time my grandpa went to Africa

One day I was sitting with my grandpa watching TV. As it happened we were watching the Discovery channel when a show about Africa came on.

"Hmph, Africa... I've been there." My grandpa said.

"Really?" I asked, "I never knew you went to Africa grandpa, when was this?"


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A few I picked up...


A roman walks into a bar. He holds up two fingers and says "five drinks please"

What begins with a " C" ends with a "T" has a "U and a "N" in it, is hairy on the outside and wet in the middle.


What do dentists call their X-rays?



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Railroad tracks, a horses ass... and rockets! [Long]

The US standard railroad gauge (the distance between two rails) is 4 feet 8.5 inches... an exceedingly odd number.

Why was that gauge used?

Because a number of the early railroad lines in the US were built to fit standard-gauge locomotives manufactured by English railroad pioneer G...

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