
What do you call the king of stationary

The ruler
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I was hit by a stationary vehicle the other day,

luckily it wasn't carrying any scissors
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I like jokes about stationary..

But rulers are where I draw the line
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What remains stationary no matter how hard you push?

The envelope.
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What's the difference between a man who pushes a moving car and a man who pushes a stationary one?

Nothing. They're both exhausted.
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Stationary Thief Hits Police Headquarters:

Police say they can’t rule anything out.
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Did you hear about the magic stationary shop?

It moved.
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I was just knocked off my bike by a stationary truck.

The driver gave me a couple of sketch pads and some really cool pens to apologise.
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Favourite one-liner?

"stationary shop moves" - Jimmy Carr

**Another favourite -** "I keep my porno tapes in my sock drawer, it's all you need in one place" - Jason Manford

What do you call a paper airplane that can’t fly?

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I was in a store doing looking at some stationary set

Suddenly I had an urge to let out a lot of gas. Thankfully the store was playing rock music very loudly. So I timed my farts according to the beat of the music. There was no way anyone could have heard me.
When I was done, I looked around and saw all the customers heads were turned to me.
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Did you hear about the architect who only had aluminum sheets for stationary?

His plans were foiled.
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An engineer, a physicist, and a mathematician are staying at a hotel

In the middle of the night, the hotel catches fire. The engineer wakes up, sees the fire in his room, turns on every faucet in his room to flood the place. He says to himself, "ok I've put out the fire," and he goes back to bed.

The physicist wakes up and sees the fire. He makes some assumpti...
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I threw a pencil yesterday

I suppose you could say it wasn’t stationary anymore
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What do you call a pencil you've just thrown out the window?

I don't know. But it's certainly not stationary.
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Einstein and Newton are in a bar...

...Einstein says to Newton, "I've found mathematically that as an object travels faster and faster, it experiences time lower and is squished in the direction parallel to the velocity, when viewed from a stationary perspective."

Newton replies "Interesting. Well, do go on."

Einstein ex...
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I asked my pen why it never moves.

It wrote "sorry, I'm stationary"
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A quote from the guy who invented the stationary exercise bike...

"My life is going nowhere."
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I was in my local newsagents this morning. I asked the pretty young girl behind the counter, "Do you keep stationary?" Left me red faced when she replied,

"Only to begin with, then I go like a fucking rabbit"

I always used to go to the gym with my ex

Oh how she loved riding stationary bikes together...

We broke up because we couldn’t see ourselves getting anywhere.
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What do you call paper figures that sit on top of your desk?

Stationary art
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Three word joke

Stationary Store Moves

Two word joke

Dwarf Shortage

Credit - Jimmy Carr
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Why did the paper lose the race against the rock?

Because it was stationary.
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My wife just emailed me asking if we had any moving boxes

I told her no... All of our boxes are still. That's why we purchased them from a stationary store.
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Why can't toys made from paper move

Because they are stationary.
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If you roll a pencil down a hill..

..is it still stationary?
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The safest place to be during an earthquake would be

in a stationary store.
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I asked the guy in the shoe shop if they sold any running shoes.

He said, "No, they're all stationary."
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Why don't pens and pencils walk around?

Because they're stationary
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A man walked into an office supply shop a year ago, laid down and said he is a pencil and will never leave.

Some say he is still stationary today.
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I made a car entirely out of pencils, rubbers, rulers and notebooks. Went to turn the key..

Stayed stationary.
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There is a box in the office closet with a ton of envelopes. It's blocking the door from opening all the way. I asked the manager to get it out of the way and he scoffed "yeah right - you try it"....

I couldn't budge it. For such a small box it was unbelievably heavy.

Then it dawned on me - it was stationary.
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Three men approached the gate to heaven.....

Three men approached the gate to heaven and as there was only one opening left, the gatekeeper said that whoever had the most remarkable and worthy death could enter. He asked the first man how he died, and the man replied, "Imagine this -- I suspected my wife was having an affair behind my back and...
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Once you throw a paper airplane it's no longer.....


Credit: u/Breeze_In_ The _ Trees
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I was instructed to relocate all these boxes of letterhead. But I can't...

They're stationary.
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Stock Market Report

Helium was up, feathers were down. Paper was stationary.

Fluorescent tubing was dimmed in light trading. Knives were up sharply. Pencils lost a few points.

Hiking equipment was trailing. Elevators rose, while escalators continued their slow decline. Weights were up in heavy trading....
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Told this to my coworker today

Coworker tells me he has been going to the gym lately. Said last night he did 30 minutes on the stationary bike. I told him that's never gonna get you anywhere.
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A friend in need

On a routine police patrol parked outside a local neighborhood bar the officer noticed a man leaving the bar so intoxicated that he could barely

The man stumbled around the parking lot for a few minutes with the officer quietly observing.

After what seemed an eternity and ...
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An very old professor decided to undertake a research project...

He wanted to determine if a group of poorly treated, anti-social rats could develop friendly relationships with one another if they used team work to complete a complicated task.

At first, he set the rats a goal of stealing his colleagues stationary, without the colleague catching them in the...

A scientist, a doctor and a janitor discover an old lamp...

The scientist rubs the lamp and sure enough a genie pops out! "Thank you for releasing me!" said the genie, "You can have anything you like, providing you do one days work of a different profession. You may choose what you want to do." The scientist goes first, "Well I've always thought that being a...
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Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Werner Heisenberg, Georg Ohm, Galileo Galilei, Max Planck, and Louis de Broglie were carpooling to work...

...when they got pulled over for speeding. However, when the police officer tried to ask them how fast they were going, he couldn't get a straight answer, and the group was so rowdy that they had to be brought in for questioning.

So all 7 of them are taken to the police station, and individua...
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For a long time now, I've had an obsession with tractors. When I was little, all I asked for for my birthday was tractor related stuff. I had tractor toys, tractor stationary, tractor bags.

When I was 17, my parents bought me my very first tractor. It was a bit rusty, but I was just elated ...
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A mental health facility offers supervised hobbies for its patients.

They have access to painting, exercise, a small library, cooking, all sorts of stuff.

When they paint, they are often instructed to paint their mood, or something they would like to see or do when they are released. Some paint melancholy things, dark with depressive imagery and muted colors. ...
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A guy is driving through the desert in a convertible with his girlfriend...

She says, " Drive fast, speed turns me on. I'll get undressed more the faster you drive."
He accelerates to 65 mph, she takes off her jeans.
"Ohh, yeah, go faster!"
He gets up to 80 mph, she takes off her shirt. She's just in her bra and thong.
"Baby, you know how to make a girl horny!...

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A man hears a loud, rhythmic thumping on his walk home...

He turns around to see what is causing the commotion, and the sound immediately stops. Seeing nothing but a large casket, and rather confused, he continues on his way home.
Though he is sure there is nothing causing the racket, he is convinced he is still hearing the noise. The man cleans his ear...

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If Linda, Kate, Paula and Janice go out for lunch, they will call each other Linda, Kate, Paula and Janice.
If Fred, Luke, Bradley, and Jeff go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Bruno, Scrappy, Peanut-Head and Godzilla.

Eating Out

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