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If Donald Trump was a Sith Lord...

His name would be Taxi Vader

Why did the Sith Lord cross the road?

To get to the dark side!

Did you hear about the sith lord who went shopping?

He went to the Maul. Everything was half off.

What do you call a nervous Sith Lord?

Panakin Skywalker

Which sith lord prefers to cripple his opponents rather than kill them?

Darth Ritis

What do you call a Sith Lord who doesn’t pay his taxes?

Darth Evader

Why are Sith Lords such lonely people ?

Because, dealing with absolutes, they don't have any relatives.

What kind of liquor does a Sith Lord drink?

Absolut Vodka

How do Sith Lords measure things?

In absolute units.

What do you call a sith lord who gets high all the time?


How many sith lords does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They like it on the dark side.

What is a Sith Lord's favorite drink at the bar?

A Palpitini

Which social network do Sith Lords prefer using as they dominate the universe?


A senator, a chancellor, a Sith Lord, and the First Galactic Emperor walk into a restaurant.

The hostess says, “table for one?”

Darth Vader decides that being a Sith lord isn't lucrative enough....

Too much money funneled into replacement deathstars, storm trooper wages and empire taxes.

He decides that in order to retire comfortably he needs to find a steady well paid job.

He goes out and tries his hand at baking, banking, and various other occupations. Finally he settles on c...

What does an aging Sith lord with a bad hip use to get around?

An Imperial Walker

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