One day at court, the prosecutor called the first witness to the stand, and in came a gossipy old woman
The prosecutor started by asking her, "Do you know who I am?"
The old woman replied. "Yes, you're John Kim, and I must say I'm very disappointed in you. You're greedy, you treat others like dirt, and you've been keeping a mistress for years! Of course I know who you are."
The prosecuto...
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So old Jed is screwing his goat when a neighbor witnesses this unspeakable act of bestiality.
The neighbor calls the cops, and Jed is arrested. Jed goes to a lawyer, explains the case, and the lawyer says, "I can defend you for $5,000."
"What's the point?" says Jed. "My neighbor witnessed the whole thing. Why should I waste $5,000? They're gonna find me guilty for sure."
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50 Jokes for 50 US States Part II
# Alaska
An Alaskan was on trial in Anchorage. The prosecutor leaned menacingly toward him and asked, 'Where were you on the night of October to April?'
Disclaimer: This is not my joke. And I sure hope that its not a repost from any of the subs. I am sure that there will be numerous va...
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Why was the banana a good prosecutor?
She always made the defense slip up on appeal.
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On a new year's Eve, in the court...
The judge says: Why are you here?
The person in the accused seat: I got some Christmas gift from the department store across the street.
The Judge looked at the prosecutor, puzzled: That's something good, what's happening here?
Prosecutor: He got the gifts 2 hours before...
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What did the doctor say to the prosecutor?
You're trying my patients!
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To be a great prosecutor
You’ve gotta have conviction
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IKEA has been accused of evading over $500 million in taxes. Apparently, prosecutors have been after them for years...
...but they're having a really hard time putting their case together.
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A man from northern Alaska is on trial…
The prosecutor asks in a menacing tone, “Where were you in the night from October to April?”
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A man in rural Arkansas is brought before a judge for his prelimnary hearing.
"What is the charge, counsel?" The judge asks.
"Bigotry, your honor," the prosecutor replies. "This man has three wives."
"You idiot," the judge says. "That ain't bigotry, it's trigonometry."
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A man charged with assault and battery insisted at his trial that he had just pushed his victim "a little bit". When he was pressured by the prosecutor to illustrate just how hard, the defendant approached the lawyer, slapped him in the face, grabbed him firmly by the lapels and flung him over the t...
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An Alaskan was on trial in Anchorage.
The prosecutor leaned menacingly toward him and asked:
“Where were you on the night of October to April?”
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A fighter pilot was arrested for attempting to set fire to his lover in bed
In court, the prosecutor asked him why on earth he would do such a thing.
The pilot met his eye and proudly declared:
"Sir, I am a highly decorated fighter pilot, and when I go down, I go down in flames."
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At the height of a political corruption trial, the prosecuting attorney attacked a witness. “Isn't it true,” he bellowed, “that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?”
The witness stared out the window, as though he hadn't hear the question.
The prosecutor aga...
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Ron Jeremy was arrested for sexual assault
Because Ron Jeremy is 67 years old, Prosecutors are worried the evidence won't stand up in court. Further, Ron Jeremy is entitled to a jury of his peers. Prosecutors are afraid it will be a hung jury.
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I searched Reddit and this joke hasn't been posted.
USPS came out with a Donald Trump stamp. They were Yugely popular at first, but suddenly went out of circulation, because they wont stick to the envelopes.
This enraged the president, and he demanded a full investigation, blamed the democrats and JINA and the lame-stream media.
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I'm on Trial for Murder
The prosecutor says to me while I'm on the stand, "Did you kill that man?"
I said, "No."
He said, "Do you know what the penalty for perjury is?"
I said, "Yeah it's a lot less than the penalty for murder."
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A cannibal is on trial for murder and cannibalism...
He's called up to the witness stand and the prosecutor asks him if he pleads guilty or innocent. "Innocent!" he says. The prosecutor asks him to prove it. The cannibal answers, "Well, you are what you eat, right? So I am an innocent man!"
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what's a pirate's least favorite letter?
Dear Sir,
this is the federal prosecutor's office, informing you that you've been convicted and charged on seven counts of piracy
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Natural causes.
Once upon a time there was an old woman who was sick of her husband, but didn't want to get divorced. She knew he had a severe allergy to insect bites and stings, so she developed a plan.
She asked a friend who had a hive to give her the dead bodies of the insects around the hive. She took t...
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When Jehovah's witnesses knock on my door...
I just tell them "Sorry, I'm Jehovah's Prosecutor and shouldn't be talking with you."
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I know federal prosecutors have a 99% conviction rate. But I'm a little nervous.
Because Trump picked his cabinet from the 1%.
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Poetic Justice
I find you guilty. You are sentenced to ten years, Take him away boys.
Prosecutor mutters, "Poetic Justice"
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I can't believe I got arrested, just for indulging in a bit of horseplay.
Although the prosecutor is calling it 'bestiality'.
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(OC) A man is on trial for sleeping with his sister.
The prosecutor feels it should be an airtight case and tries as hard as he can to organize enough damning evidence as possible to put the perv away for a long time. The trial begins and it is obviously a disturbing proceeding, but there is a shadow of a doubt to whether the man is guilty or innocent...
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A lawyer and your client have a meet.
The client has a proposal.
If I get ten years on jail I'll pay you $3.000. If i get five years, I'll pay you $5.000. And if i get 1 year I'll pay you $10.000.
The lawyer says ok and will go negociate with the prosecutor. Than he return and says: You need pay me $10.000. We got it! On...
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A depressed man walks into a lawyer’s office...
“I’ve been accused of stealing!” he exclaims. “They day I stole canned ham from the back of a delivery truck. But I’m innocent!” “Alright,” the defense attorney says. “I’ll take your case. But it’ll cost you $5000.” “I’ll pay you $2500 now, and pay the rest after the trial,” the man says. ...
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I got summoned for jury duty today...
When my name was eventually called, this blonde bombshell prosecutor looked me up and down then immediately dismissed me.
Something about not wanting to risk a "hung jury".
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A jury finds a man not-guilty in court...
During trial much evidence had been produced that showed the defendant to be guilty. Upon the jury's decision the prosecutor incredulously asked the judge: "Your honor, on what basis could the jury possibly have acquitted the defendant?!" The judge replied: "Temporary insanity". To which...
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court-martial long
I was an M.P in the British army for a number of years. We get called Red Caps.
I was passing through the Canteen, Mess, food, hall.
I had to arrest 2 chefs and bring them before the court marshall. Turned quite violent.
I got bruised and worse.
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BREAKING NEWS: Man convicted of first degree murder. He pleaded guilty of killing another man by repeatedly slamming his victim's head in a door made of cement.
"The case was open-and-shut." Said the prosecutor.
"We had plenty of concrete evidence."
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Wells Fargo is taken to court by the US government...
...for secretly opening accounts for their customers. Right before the case the governement prosecutor suddenly goes missing. The government suspects that they have an unaccounted sollicitor on account of unsollicited accounts.
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It was Christmas time, and the judge was feeling a little benevolent and filled with holiday spirit.
“What exactly is the charge?” he asked counsel.
“The man standing before you is charged with doing his Christmas shopping early.”
“Shopping early?” the judge replied. “Well, what’s wrong with that?”
The prosecutor replied, “He was doing his shopping befo...
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