
With Biden declared the winner, regardless of what side of the political spectrum you’re on, I think we can all safely say...

Thanks, Obama.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

What do you call the extremes in the political spectrum?

Political Rectums

Example sentence: It’s impossible to have a civilized discussion with Tim, he is too far right/left up in the Political Rectum.

No matter what side of the political spectrum you tend to be on can we all agree...

That these Capitol Hill protestors are facing Trumped-up charges?

Heard this from the smothers brothers (paraphrased)

1: So can we agree that those at the bottom of the political spectrum have less clothes?
2: Yes
1: So they are the less-ons?
2: Yes
1: And those at the top are the political spectrum have more clothes?
2: yes
1: so the more-ons?

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