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I feel sorry for anus numbing cream.

It has to deal with sensitive arseholes all the time.

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The Bad Tooth

A customer goes to the dentist for a bad tooth. He sits down in the chair and the dentist comes in with his tools and a needle.
“Ok bud, today we are going to inject a numbing agent into your gum to pull that sucker out.” says the dentist. “But I don’t like needles!” The customer replies.

Woah, Today My Head ‘Fell Asleep’ Like Your Arms & Legs Do Sometimes

It was mind numbing.
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When Karl Marx was a young philosophy student, he took it upon himself to travel across the country to see the wide world and learn all that he could to develop his theories.

Hither and thither he would ride across the German countryside, in his little pony-cart pulled by a pair of strong, hardy donkeys, meeting people, studying their lives and professions, and seeking to understand the world.

A time came when he was high in the German mountains. Snow was thick ...
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I once met an anesthesiologist for a brain surgeon.

They said the pay was great, but the work was mind numbing.
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The Dental Appt.

>A guy goes to a female dentist to have a tooth extracted.She pulls out a numbing needle to give the man a shot."No way! No needles. I hate needles" the patient said.
>The dentist starts to hook up the nitrous oxide and the man says: " I can't do the gas thing. The thought of ha...

A conversation between a psychologist and an anaesthetist was described as .....

..... mind numbing.
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A cheapskate walks into a dentist office.....

"What's the problem?" asks the dentist. "I got a bad tooth that needs to be pulled." replied the cheapskate. "Well for $200 I can put you under and pull the tooth, you won't feel a thing." says the dentist. "Nah, that's way to much money, what else you got?"
"Well for $150 I can give you a numbin...

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A man goes to the dentist...

A man went to the dentist to have a tooth extracted.
The dentist gets him seated and says " Ok, just a little novocaine and we can get started.
The man says " Oh doc, I'm not so great with needles, I can't do that..."
"Ok, how about a mask? Can I use that to put you under?"
"No D...

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A man worked his whole adult life on an assembly line. Day in, day out, same boring thing. Then one day in the middle of his mind numbing shift he hears a little voice whisper: "*Quit your job, sell your house and belongings, take the money,go to Vegas."* He was startled, but shook it off and went...

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"The Bar Challenge"

A man walks into a bar, there are several $100 bills taped to the cabinet. After a few drinks, he asks the bartender about the bills.

"Those? That's our Bar Challenge. You pony up $100, complete 3 tasks, and all the money is yours."

The man asks, "What are the 3 tasks?"


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