godnobleruleroverlordmastergod almightybaronmarquessearlviscountladykingfatherpeeragealmighty

I never used to use the lords name in vain.

But now that I have a kid of my own, I see why God named his kid Jesus Christ.

Where do Sith Lords go shopping?

The Darth Maul

What did the imposter comedian saw when he was arrested in the House of Lords?

"The real joker's in the commons!"

Why are Sith Lords such lonely people ?

Because, dealing with absolutes, they don't have any relatives.

The Lords email sent folder...

One day G-d was looking down at Earth and saw all the bad behavior that was going on ...

So He called one of His angels and sent the angel to Earth for a time ...

When he returned, he told G-d, 'Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and only 5% are not ...


Two missionaries move far away to do the Lords work.

Two missionaries move to a far away place to do the Lords work. The natives aren't very interested in converting, and after a few weeks they are down to begging for change so that they could eat. After a couple of hard luck days of this, they finally gather enough change to buy a loaf of bread.

How do you neutralize Lords of Acid?

With some Ace of Base.

The Lord of the Manor had a butler called Wibble, One day he called Wibble and said, “What about running my bath Wibble.”

“Certainly , will there be anything else my lord?” said Wibble.

“Yes Wibble, what about my dressing gown.”

“Certainly , will there be anything else my lord?”

“Yes Wibble, what about my carpet slippers.”

“Certainly , will there be anything else my lord?”

“No Wibble,...

How do Sith Lords measure things?

In absolute units.

Why isn't Holy Water used in vaccines ?

Because, you can't take the Lords name in vein.

How many sith lords does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They like it on the dark side.

Which social network do Sith Lords prefer using as they dominate the universe?


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