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Life after death does exist!

Just not for the person that died.

Do you believe in life after death?

A Boss Asks his Employee: “Do you believe that there is Life After Death?”.

Employee: “Certainly not Sir, there’s no proof of it”.

Boss: “Well, there is.... After you left office early yesterday to go to your cousin’s funeral, he came here looking for you.”

“Do you believe in life after death?”

Asked the boss to his employee.

“No, I don’t.... why do you ask?”

“Well, your grandmother who died and you took off yesterday to go to the funeral for....

She stopped in this morning to say hi to you!”

Is there life after death?

50 years of research concluded we don't know

There is such a thing as life after death…

It's called divorce...

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An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane...

An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and said, "Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger."

The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, "What would yo...

The cowboy preacher

A cowboy preacher walks into a bar and orders a sasparilla. "So tell me a little about your cowboy church," the bartender says. "Like do the cowboys believe in heaven and hell or what?" "Well we do believe in life after death," the cowboy preacher says. "We call it reintarnation."

People call my obsession with the afterlife, suicidal. Truth be told,

I'm dying to find out if there is life after death.

At the pearly gates

Peter: It says here that you don't believe in life after death

Atheist: Didn't*

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