
This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

as a volunteer medical assistant I worked at an impromptu doctor's office in new orleans after hurricane katrina..

We set up tents in order to give our patients a little bit of privacy and unfortunately we were lacking in the equipment we needed. The doctors had to resort to somewhat extreme measures in order to help this ravaged population which meant reusing equipment that could be, and making sure everything ...

I often wonder why hurricanes have names like Andrew, Elisa, Katrina, Dorian, Irma

Name a hurricane: Death Megatron 2000, they'll automatically evacuate from their

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

What does Hurricane Katrina and Kim Kardashian have in common?

They have both swallowed hundreds of black kids :)

Hurricane Katrina

An old gentleman from New Orleans gets to heaven and is greeted by St. Peter. St. Peter says to him "You have to pick one story that describes your life and that is the only story you may tell for all of eternity."

The man thinks about it and decides he is going to tell the story of Hurrican...

I used to live in New Orleans till Katrina took everything I had.

Sometimes I wish sheโ€™d stayed in Latvia.

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

Katrina Hit me hard, Wrecked my house, threw all of my possessions around and flooded my basement,

But I still think those jeans made her look fat.

Did you hear about who went to DMXโ€™s funeral?

There was Brenda, LaTisha (uh), Linda, Felicia (okay)
Dawn, LeShaun, Ines, and Alicia (ooh)
Theresa, Monica, Sharron, Nicki (uh-huh)
Lisa, Veronica, Karen, Vicky (damn)
Cookie, well I met her in a ice cream parlor (aight?)
Tonya, Dianne, Lori and Carla (okay)
Marina (uh) Selena (uh...


If we want America to start taking hurricanes seriously, we need to give them Muslim names. No one's going to leave for Irma, or Katrina, but if the weatherman said Abdullah is coming and he's a Category 5, the entire country would evacuate...

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