emigrationcountrymigrantcitizenshiphuman migrationrefugeeexpatriatecitizenunited statesqataremploymentretirementexpatriatessaudi arabiaundocumented

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We should have a TV show where illegal immigrants hunt down sex offenders for a chance at citizenship

We can call it "Alien vs Predator"

A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver’s license.

First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test.

The optician showed him a card with the letters

‘C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.’

‘Can you read this?’ the optician asked.

‘Read it?’ the Polish guy replied, ‘I know the guy.’
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I hate immigrants...

If i could find a country that didn't take immigrants in I'd move there...
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What do you call immigrants to Sweden?

Artificial Swedeners
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I’m never smoking weed with immigrants again.

I asked "Anyone have any papers?" and they all ran like fuck.

One day 3 immigrants

One day 3 immigrants were sitting in a bar: A Syrian, an Afghan and a Turkish

The Syrian finishes his beer, throws the glass in the air and shoots it with his gun. As pieces of glass are raining on them he says "In Syria glasses were so cheap that we never drank from the same glass twice"
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Two foreign immigrants have just arrived in the United States by boat and one says to the other, "I hear that the people of this country actually eat dogs."

"Odd," her companion replies, "but if we shall live in America, we might as well do as the Americans do." Nodding emphatically, one of the immigrants points to a hot dog vendor and they both walk toward the cart. "Two dogs, please," she says. The vendor is only too pleased to oblige, wraps both hot ...
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What do you call sex with an immigrant?


Foreigner-cation, for those not seeing it. Props to ImMrSneezyAchoo.

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A Russian immigrant comes to America, works hard...

... and is able to buy for his very first home: a condominium apartment. He throws an all night party with his friends to celebrate. One of his guests notices a hammer and a large metal pot next to one of the walls.

“What is that for?” he asks.

The Russian says “That is my talking A...

What do you call a fight between an immigrant an a priest?

Alien vs. predator.
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We should have a TV show where illegal immigrants hunt down sex offenders for a chance at citizenship

We can call it "Alien vs Predator"

\[EDIT\]: Wow I can't believe the amount of people who would want to make it a reality. *Netflix if your seeing this post you know what to do.*

**If you want, you may follow this post - I may update it in the future if something exciting happens.** <...

I was going to make a illegal immigrant joke

But I wouldn't want to cross that border
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Rich guy hires an immigrant handyman.

As he's leaving for work one day he says "Luigi, today please paint the porch"
Later he calls Luigi to check on his progress.
"Did you paint the porch, Luigi?"
"Yes sir, and a, I painted the a bmw too"
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What's the difference between an immigrant and a notebook?

A note book has papers.
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A CEO, a laborer, and an immigrant are at a table

the table has 20 cookies. The CEO takes 19 cookies and says to the laborer, “look out, that immigrant is trying to take your cookie!”
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Two Immigrants from the old country

Come to America. One says to the other, "we are in America now. We have to act like Americans."

So as they walk, the come across a hot dog vendor with many customers crowding the cart. One immigrant turns to the other and says, "They eat dogs here?" The other immigrant says, "I guess they do....
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A young recently immigranted Italian couple Maria and Luigi fall in love and get married.

They're sort of poor and spend the honeymoon night at her mama and papa's house.
Maria's a nervous virgin and Mama's busy cooking spaghetti and has to try to calm Maria down and talk her into going upstairs to her husband. She finally does, and Luigi is sitting on the bed and gives her a long pas...

Two immigrants from Africa arrive in the United States...

Two immigrants from Africa arrive in the United States and are discussing the difference between their country and the U.S.

One of them mentions he's heard that people in the U.S. eat dogs, and if they're going to fit in, they better eat dogs as well.

So they head to the nearest hot ...
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How does Donald Trump plan on deporting millions of illegal immigrants?

Juan by Juan
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Hey girl, are you a Chinese immigrant from the 1800s?

Because I want to make you mine.
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Do Transformers get car insurance or health insurance?

Nether. They’re immigrants in America.
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An old Cuban immigrant is dying

and he asks his nurse "Please take me back to Cuba, I want to kiss the Cuban flag for one last time before I die". The nurse replies " We can't take you there, but I will get you the next best thing". She pulls down her pants and so it happens that she is wearing underwear with the Cuban flag printe...

Why did Donald Trump marry an immigrant?

Once again, immigrants are doing the jobs no American want to do.
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Bill Gates woke up in the morning and found that his Mexican housekeepers were gone.

He asked his wife Melinda where they went, who replied that Steve Jobs showed up earlier and offered them the same work at his mansion for double their previous wage.
Bill became furious. "Fucking Jobs, coming here and taking our immigrants!"

What is an immigrant’s favourite sport?

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Trump: The less immigrants that come in, the better

Pence: The fewer

Trump: I told you not to call me that yet
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Giorgio, the Italian immigrant...

(long) ...came to the US back in the 1960s before digital photos, cell phones, or computers. He wanted to get a professional photo taken to be sent to his mamma in Italy to show her how well he was doing.

The photographer said he would be at Giorgio’s home at 11:00. But, Giorgio understood 1:...
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Doctor: "Sorry, sir, we have no more vaccines for American citizens, we gave them all to illegal immigrants."

Patient: "They took our jabs!"
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"I'm groping the balls of the storm."

The manager hesitated for a moment on the phone. "I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" he asked the newly hired immigrant worker.

"I...rub the storm...balls?" the man said, coughing.

Before he could ask again, the manager heard a little commotion on the line, followed by a younger voice. <...

My uncle is mad that he lost his job to an illegal immigrant

It took him forever to find a job that neither requires a third grade education nor a background check.
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Britain just announced that from next year, they will put a cap on new immigrants. I vehemently disagree with this policy.

Immigrants should be allowed to put whatever head dress they prefer.
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Immigrant comes to a doctor...

"Doctor, after I left my country and traveled here, I feel very ill. I dont sleep well, I cant eat. Help me!", - says immigrant.

"I was in the same situation before", - doctor replies. "There is a bucket in other room. Go take a crap, piss in it, then put your head inside".

Immigrant i...

How to make Americans take vaccines

Tell them immigrants are coming to America to take all their vaccines.
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What do you call an illegal immigrant living in Sweden?

An artificial Swedener
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A border patrol officer stops a Mexican immigrant...

...on his way in to the U.S.
He says to the Mexican: "If you can make a whole sentence using the words Green, Pink and Yellow, Ill let you in with no delay"
The Mexican pauses to think for a few minutes then replies: "The phone goes Green-Green, I Pink it up and I say Yellow"
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The Chinese immigrant

There's an old Chinese guy in my hometown who goes by Giacomo Antonelli. One day, I asked him how he ended up with an Italian name. He said that when he came to the US, he somehow got on the wrong ship and ended up traveling the long way from China to New York instead of San Francisco. The guy in fr...
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Why don’t illegal immigrants ever cross the border in groups of three?

Because of all the No “Tres”passing signs that are posted
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Why Did The Mexican Immigrant Take Xanax?

He Had Borderline Anxiety.
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What's the difference between E.T and illegal immigrants?

E.T actually learned English and wanted to go home.
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Have you heard about the movie where an illegal immigrant hunts down a priest to get vengence?

It's called Alien vs. Predator
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One African immigrant works as a street cleaner

He hates his job. People disrespect him. A friend of him, working as him, coming from the same village, tells him to quit. The guy refuses, says he has a family to take care and keeps cleaning.

His friend tells him to stop and to look at the shop. He sees some crocodile leather shoes sold...

A billionaire, a schmuck and an immigrant walk into a bakery...

The billionaire takes 9 out of the 10 cakes in the store, points to the immigrant and tells the schmuck: "Watch out, he's gonna take that 1 cake".
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These immigrant internment centers are worse than Nazi concentration camps

The concentration camps at least had working showers.

The Doctor and the Rich Man

An immigrant doctor decided to start his own clinic one day.
He put a sign in front of it that says if he can't cure your illness, he'll give you 100 dollars. If he can, you have to pay 20 dollars.
A young rich man passes by, sees the sign, and thinks it's a good opportunity to earn 100 bu...
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The Hooker and the ILLEGAL Immigrant

"Hey, how much you charge for da hour, sister?" he asks.

"$100" she replies.

In broken English, he says,
"Do you do immigrant style?

"No" she says.
"I pay you $200 to do immigrant style."

"No," she says, not knowing what immigrant style is.

"I pay you...

[Politics] Trump: 'The less immigrants we bring in the better'

Pence: 'The fewer'

Trump: 'I told you not to call me that yet'
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Two of Trump's wives have been immigrants.

Which just goes to show you that those people will take jobs that no American wants.
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Trumps wives were immigrants

Proving again that they'll do jobs Americans won't
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I think Americans are right to worry about immigrants

Because they might commit a mass shooting just to fit in with the culture.
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Why did the Greek immigrant squat on the side of the road?

He was ex-Cretan
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A British man was talking to his friend about his views on Brexit...

"These bloody immigrants come over here. They're up to no good, right? I hate these bloody immigrants. They need to go back to where they came from."

His friend replies with "But why do you hate them so much?"

The British man replies, "I'll tell you why I hate them, I'll te...
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What would be the main event at the immigrant olympics?

Cross country.
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Immigrants speak the best English.

Three paisanos from the old country are trying to impress each other with the big words they have learned in English.

One says, “My wife can’t have more children. That means she’s inconceivable.”

The second says, “That’s too bad, but you used the wrong word, you mean she’s impregnabl...
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In order to stop accusations of racism, Trump decides to hire a Mexican immigrant

However, he doesn't feel confortable having him as an employee and calls him over in his office.

Juan: "Why you call me, jefe ?"

Trump: "You're fired!"

Juan: "Que ?! Why ?!!"

Trump: "Because....uh... Because you didn't finish high school!"

Juan: "Oh, no pro...
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100 years ago, a poor Polish immigrant was begging for money in New York city

Suddenly, a stranger appears and starts to talk with her.

Stranger: What is your name, sad lady

Lady: My name is Edit, I am the daughter of Solomon and Alta. I am asking for help because I have nothing to eat

Stranger: I just won this golden coin in a game of poker. I feel guilt...
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An immigrant teen is walking home from the supermarket when he sees an older gentleman with a broken down car on the side of the road...

He stops to help and immediately makes a good impression on the older fellow. Eventually they get the car going and the gentleman offers the boy a ride home. The teenager accepts, thinking it would be a great way to get home quickly, considering it's getting late and his mother was probably worried ...
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What do you call an old Hispanic immigrant?

A señor citizen.
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Job-stealing immigrant was arrested yesterday.

Cops found 63 jobs in his basement.

I don't think my immigrant friend is good at English

Cause every time i ask him where he came from he only say:"YeahMen"
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What does an immigrant like in their water, but not at their door?

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Why was the illegal immigrant so offensive?

Because he crossed the line
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It's 1860 in the Bowery. A prim Anglo woman knocks on the door of an Irish catholic immigrant...

She says, "I'm here supporting James Mason for mayor. He wants to increase money for public schools."

"What's he want to do that for?" the Irish woman asks.

"Well, he believes in the importance of education."

The Irish woman seems confused. "That's it? His sister doesn't work...
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How do you call an immigrant who commits crimes?

Founding Father.
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A businessman, an immigrant, and a White American worker are sitting at a table with 100 cookies

The business man eats 99 of the cookies and then slides the last one across the table towards the immigrant. Then he looks at the white American and says, "that immigrant is going to eat your cookie!"
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A biker is passing the zoo when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion’s cage.

Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her under the eyes of her screaming parents.

The biker jumps off his bike, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back...
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A Korean immigrant was beaten up by police after they asked for his name and registration papers during a routine traffic stop.

"I never have received seen such bad behaviour by cops" said Mr Fuuk Yu.
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Told to me by an immigrant friend who was a Drill Sargent in the Russian army in the '80s

A Sargent and a Private are walking across a Soviet army base when they approach a General coming the other way. The enlisted men salute and the Sargent calls out:

"Sir, your top shirt button is unbuttoned!" (A serious faux pas, according to my friend).

The General is in no mood for it...

Why do immigrant parents have you take off your shoes before entering their house?

So they have something to beat you with.
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Trump says he’ll put a cap on immigrants coming into the US—I don't approve.

Immigrants should be allowed to wear what they like.
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A new immigrant is learning how to date in America.

He meets a nice girl and they go on a date. At the end of the date, as he’s walking her home he asks her what he can give her as a gift for their second date. She says that it would be a nice if he gave her flowers, so before the next date he stops at the local flower shop. At the end of the second...

What game do French immigrants play

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3 Chinese Immigrants

Lee Bu, Chan Chu and Fred Fu immigrated to the USA. They decided in order to become Americans, they need to americanize their last names.

Lee Bu changed his last name to Bucks.

Chan Chu changed his last name to Chucks.

Fred Fu left the USA to Canada after becoming the laughing...
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Trump followed through with his plan to get rid of illegal immigrants

By making America so bad they'll leave on their own.
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What did Donald Trump say to the thieving immigrant at the RNC?

Great speech sweetheart!
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I can see why Americans have reservations of taking in immigrants

Last time a lot of immigrants migrated there, they took over the whole damn place.
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Milio Yiannopoulos is now an unemployed immigrant on a work visa.

Let's deport him!
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