
They’re running out of face masks in China

No big supplies there.
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Six lads come into bakery wearing face masks

Had six lads come into my bakery wearing face masks, respirators the lot. Said " alright lads, don't take the piss out of covid". Front one replied" take the piss, your shops on fire!".

credit Steve Whiting

I get why Karen’s hate wearing face masks

Because they make mouth breathers smell their own breath
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There are people cutting bras in half to make face masks now

Some of them look like right tits.

All the Asians who’ve been wearing face masks are laughing now

I assume
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I feel so bad for the deaf people who need to read lips to communicate, because of all of the face masks right now.

Let's give them all a moment of silence.
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What does a house full of frat boys partying without face masks and a cage full of Chinese pangolins have in common?

They're all nocturnal. What did you think I was going to say? (Seriously, though, wear a mask.)
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If you ever feel like your life is meaningless

Just remember that someone out there provides Donald Trump with face masks.
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It makes sense that venice has been hit hard by the virus.

where else can you be guaranteed that they won't run out of face masks?
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The 12 Days of Corona

In the year 2020, the pandemic gave to me:
12 Cancelled Plans
11 Face Masks
10 Sanitizers
9 Murder Hornets
8 Zoom Calls
7 Mental Breakdowns
6 Feet Apart
5 Curbside Pickups
4 Quarantines
3 Travel Restrictions
2 Karens Complaining
And a massive shortage of Grocery S...
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Pissed off God by not seeing everyday miracles.

There's an old joke...

There's a flood. A man is standing in knee deep water in his house. Another man in a canoe paddles by and says "Get in I'll row you to safety!"

The man says,"No thanks. I've prayed and God will save me".

The water gets to his chest. Another man in a bass b...

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