
There have been countless people criticizing Donald Trump for his delayed reaction to the Novel Coronavirus

Probably could have gotten things going a lot quicker with a picturebook Coronavirus

Criticizing the government

for Russian journalists it’s a once-in-a-liftetime opportunity

People have been criticizing me because I put glue on my hands before handling my weapons

But sometimes one just needs to stick to their guns

This joke may contain profanity. πŸ€”

A man's Co worker is criticizing him for smoking

"how often do you smoke?"

"A pack a day"

"How long have you been smoking for?"

"About 22 years now"

"Really? Well I'll tell you why it's dumb, if you had saved that 15 dollars a day for 22 years, you would have had more than 100,000 dollars by now! That's enough for a Fer...

What do you call a piece of old farm equipment that's always criticizing you?


Unpopular opinion: People criticizing Alabama's new abortion laws are ignorant and intolerant

It's a family matter for them, after all.

I was criticizing my friend for eating poison when he started to object and then suddenly vomited...

...I said I'm glad you brought that up.

Everyone is criticizing the Saudis wanting to investigate a murder that they themselves are accused of...

But the Saudi Prince gives the investigation team four thumbs up!

The Trump administration is criticizing the media for releasing a video of the president hanging himself.

It was, of course, fake noose.

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