The TV show "The Big Bang Theory" was created by Chuck Lorre. At the end of each episode he inserted a one screen humorous comment.
While season 4 was being produced, the lead actress had a horseback riding accident unrelated to the show which caused her a broke...
According to the Big Bang Theory the universe began in Arizona
Our whole universe was in a hot dense state
If the big bang theory, how I met your mother and two and a half men had ever crossed over it would've been called
How I banged your mother with two and a half men
Some people say that The Big Bang Theory disproves God...
I mean, sure, it's not the best show, but I wouldn't go *that* far.
A man walked into a bar and order a drink for himself and the empty seat next to him.
The bartender, perplexed as to why the man would order a drink for an empty chair, made two drinks for the man and the empty chair. This seemed to happen every time the man entered the bar. He would order a drink for himself and an empty chair next to him. Finally, curiosity overtook the barm...
What do nerds and Creationists have in common?
They're offended by The Big Bang Theory.
Why can you not trust atoms?
Because they make up everything.
(Seen on The Big Bang Theory)
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