regresslapserecidivismpsychosisdrug addictionabstinencealcoholismdepressioncravingchronicreversionrevertingbackslidinglapsingrecidivate


"Great news, Mr. Oscarson," the psychiatrist reported. "After eighteen months of therapy, I can pronounce you finally and completely cured of your kleptomania. You'll never be trapped by the desire to steal again. "Gee, that's great, Doc," the patient replied."And just to prove it, I want you to sto...
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Did you know that people are starting to relapse and get Coronavirus a second time?

They’re calling it “dos sickies”
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After four months of sobriety, my cat relapsed and started doing catnip again...

The worst kind of nip-slip.
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Last night I went to an Ass Eater's Anonymous meeting and told them I relapsed..

They really chewed me out.

What do you call it when an addict cat relapses on catnip?

A nip slip 😃
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Quincy inherited a large sum of money at a young age from his father, but he wasted it all on illicit drugs and became destitute and homeless.

It's a cold December night in New York City, with temperatures well below freezing point. Quincy shivers in his one and only winter coat, the same one he's had for the past ten years, lying on a park bench sheltered by nothing but tree canopies. Quincy, in a rare moment of soberness and self-reflect...
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