big brothersurvivorthe apprenticehidden camerathe amazing racedragons' denthe bachelorcanadacopsmtvcandid cameramastercheflostunited kingdomup series

Normally I hate those trashy, fake, rigged reality TV shows...

But I might watch the presidential debate tonight anyway.

Why did the Software Engineer reality TV show get cancelled?

People thought it seemed too scripted.

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I have to commend my friend for having a lot of balls to sign up for the Reality TV show, “Embarrassing Bodies”.

Three, to be exact.

Reality TV..

I REALISED my 10 year old nephew had been watching too many reality TV shows the day we attended a relative’s wedding.

As the four bridesmaids walked down the aisle toward the front of the church, he turned to me and asked, “Is this where the groom decides which one he wants to marry?”

Whenever I get into a joke war, I make a pun about reality TV stars

It’s my Trump card

What’s the most popular reality tv show viewed by the crew of Deep Space Nine?

Keeping up with the Cardassians

What do odd numbers and reality TV stars in common?

They literally can't even

What will they call Trump’s prison reality TV show?

Orange is the new Orange.

I thought of an idea for a new reality TV show...

It's about a group of Middle Easter Islamic terrorists that are entering their 40s. They stop buying an excessive amount of guns and explosives and instead start purchasing luxery cars and motorcycles. I call the show Midlife ISIS.

If the United States government had a reality TV show...

It would be called House of Tards.

If you need a distraction from the election there is a new American reality TV series starting soon.

It's called The White House. Apparently the lead actor has been given a 4 season contract.

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Either a lying war criminal endorsed by the KKK or a Neo Nazi reality TV star are going to be President of America.

It's not funny. But it is a fucking joke. America, sort your shit out.

You know the Reality TV show The Amazing Race?

is that about white people?

-Zach G.

A communist Jew, an old hag who tries to be hip, a manic reality tv star, a bible thumper, a robot and an old man from Ohio who forgot to take his meds walk into a bar....

Pick one to be your next president

A Cuban man dies and goes to Hell

There, the devil informs him that every country has its own hell. However, as he had dual citizenship, he could choose which Hell he wanted to be sent: American Hell or Cuban Hell.

He visits the American Hell first. At the door, he finds George Bush Senior.

“Excuse me, mr president, ...

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If a cable news pundit, a reality TV personality, a political spin doctor, and a serial entrepreneur are all locked in a room together, who would be the first to realize they're of shit?

The room.

Two Aliens come to our Planet

They are greeted by armed forces. They inform us that our inferior weapons don't stand a chance against them. The only way they will let us go is if we can make them laugh. However, they have seen all jokes there are on the internet and only a new original joke will work on them. Humanity gathers th...

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You can't have that TV until....

Long ago, a teenage kid went into an electronics store in New York. He really liked this TV and he wanted to buy it. Since his dad was very rich, he knew he could purchase it no matter what. So heads up to the store owner and asks him, "How much for that TV?" The store owner says, "That TV is not fo...

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Fresh prince of Bel air UK version.

South-east England born and raised

On reality TV spending most of my days

Bein' racist, whoring out and relaxin' all cool

And being disgusting, Fuck the gene pool

When a couple of cells

Who were up to no good

Startin making cancer in my vaginalhood

I ...

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An upstart comedian speaks to a famous movie producer ...

"So, what's your idea?"

"Well, I want to make the film about how a wealthy New York businessman raised his child to become a selfish, arrogant prick just like himself. The boy's such a fucking asshole that even his neglectful father gets sick of the rat and sends him to a military academy. ...

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A graduate has an interview at a fancy restaurant

A young achiever recently graduated from university and is in the process of interviewing for her first "real" job. She made it past the preliminaries with one of her preferred employers and was invited to have dinner at a fancy restaurant with her potential boss. Naturally, she arrives early to mak...

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