first orderreystar warsian mcdiarmidthe forcepopular culturedarth plagueissithjedidemocracynaboogeorge lucasskywalker sagagalactic empiredarth vader

Why did Emperor Palpatine have so much trouble walking around?

He had Darth Ritis

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Emperor Palpatine decides to endorse Mountain Dew and appears on an advertisement


What was Stevie Wonder and Emperor Palpatine's favorite thing about dreaming.

Visions of the dark side

Mike Pence is Emperor Palpatine

Both are old men, heads of the Senate, and like to shock people.

What was Emperor Palpatine's favourite type of cheese?


(This joke only makes sense depending on how you pronounce Gouda)

Who does Emperor Palpatine call when he wants to move to a new house?


Who played Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequels?

Emperor Palpatine

In tonight's debate Trump said we can't trust the rebels

I'm not surprised; he has always reminded me of Emperor Palpatine.

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