I get a kick out of words and word histories, so reading up I learned the word "CENTURION" came from the old Latin word for one hundred, because they were an officer in charge of one hundred soldiers. I also learned that the term "DECIMATE" comes from a collective punishment centurions would mete o...
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Which supervillain are wives similar to?
Decimate you, take 50% and vanish.
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Early last February this year, I learned that National Grammar Day is celebrated on March 4th; I was looking forward to celebrating with some friends of mine in Toledo, Ohio...
...I made the trip from Nevada by car; it was a wonderful celebration. My friends Jerry, Susan, and Cynthia organized a wonderful event consisting of a host of grammar related activities: proof-reading, sentence structuring, and more.
Susan also turned out to be a wonderful cook; she prepared...
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Why do bees like to get drunk?
So they can get their buzz on? Pesticides have decimated their family and there is nothing left but alcoholism
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There once was a town out west...
There once was a small town out west, nestled between the Rocky Mountains. The town was built on a stream, with a small lake the stream snaked outward from. Most of the town was employed by multiple large orchards nearby, and the town's inhabitants spent their days at the lake enjoying their time of...
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A boy and his dog
A young man walks into a bar, followed closely by a large ball of black hair. The bartender looks at him and says "We dont allow dogs in here!"
The young man responds, "That's not a dog, it's a wooleybugger."
"What's a woolybugger?" quips the bartender.
"Come outside and I'll s...
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Timmy just loves clowns. Favourite thing in the world.
He's got clown bed spread, posters in his room, the whole shabang. Totally idolizes them
One day, Timmy sees that the big top circus is coming to town. He gets so excited that, when it finally arrived, he camps outside the ticket booth, waitimg to get the best seat in the house. And when he g...
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Once there was a man named Zade Zazinski...
Once there was a man named Zade Zazinski. Zade was always last for everything due to his name. Everything always seemed to run out before Zade received his portion. Schoolbooks, supplies, food rations. Disappointed, Zade joined the military out of high school thinking that he would be treated eq...
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