noble gasxenonnitrogenkryptonchemical elementisotopeheliumneonatomic numbercarbon dioxideinert gasairinertfluorinephosgene

What did the scientist say when he found two isotopes of helium?


Im making bad chemistry jokes coz all the good ones argon

Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and argon walk into a bar.

The bartender shouts at them: "GET OUT!"

They didn't react.

Why didn't kids make fun of argon in high school?

They never got a reaction out of him.

Argon walks into a bar.

The bartender says "we don't serve noble gases here." Argon doesn't react.

Argon walks into a bar

The bartender looks up angrily, yelling at him, "Get out! We don't take stuck up snobs like you!"

Argon doesn't react.

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What is a pirate's favorite element in the periodic table?

Gold. Why the fuck would a pirate need Argon?

Did you hear the joke about argon and krypton?

It didn't get much of a reaction.


Why was titanium afraid of iron and argon

Because there is nothing to fear but FEAR itself

Why was the noble gas so sad?

all of his friends argon

That awkward moment when you tell a chemistry joke, and get no reaction.

I guess all the good chemistry puns argon.

What do you call someone who says you can chemically bond Lithium and Argon?

Well, just ask them what the bond would be named.

My friends told me to stop making chemistry jokes, but then I told just one more

I got no reaction, and now all my friends Argon

I would make a chemistry joke, but seems like all the chemists here...


I would tell a joke about the periodic table.

But sadly all the good ones argon.

Chemistry jokes #3

H2O is water and H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide. What is H2O4?


I’m trying to find the best chemistry jokes but all the good ones argon

Silver walks up to Gold in a bar and says, "AU, get outta here!"

Silver walked up to elements in a bar that was on fire. Silver said "Get out!"

Gold said "Aukay"

Potassium said "K"

Sodium said "Na"

Argon didn't react.

It's hard to find a funny chemistry joke here

All the best Argon.

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Helium walks into a bar, where he sees Argon, Krypton, and Neon sitting at a table. They cast dirty looks in his direction. Neon stands up and shouts across the bar, "Get your ass out of here! You don't deserve to be a noble gas, and they won't serve your kind here!"

Helium does not react.

Truly original chemistry jokes no longer exist.

They argon.

I was going to get a couple neon signs for my man cave from the attic...

Sadly, they Argon

How do you tell a child their parents aren't coming back because they died due to gas poisoning?

They argon

How Dreamwork's chemistry movie will be named?

How To Train You Argon.

Bad chemistry puns

I've been looking for chemistry puns for a long time. But it seems the good ones Argon

I thought "hey, just try to enjoy the bad ones" but I couldn't. The only thing I could do is Berium.

You might be thinking "I bet they aren't that bad" but after you see the same ones as much as I sa...

Chemistry joke thread?

I'll start:
I was at -273.15°C one time. It was OK.
What do you do with a dead chemist? Barium

I'm sorry guys there really are no good chemistry jokes: all the good ones argon.

Hear are sum morre punny science jokes

How often do I tell chemistry jokes? Periodically.

Is Silicon the same in English as in Spanish? Si.

The last time I told a chemistry joke there was no reaction.

Chemistry puns Im in my element.

What do you do with a dead chemist?

Ion-estly cant think of...

WANTED: Fun for Chemists (type jokes pls)

I'd tell you a good chem joke but the best ones argon.

What's the best way to kill a pirate?

Gas them with argon

Electric engineer exam

3 students are getting prepared for the exam.
The teacher calls one in.

Teacher: Do you mind the neon lighting?

First sudent: No.

Teacher: Get out please!

Calls in the next one.

Teacher: Do you mind the neon lighting?

Second student: Yes.

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Chemistry Puns

What do you do with a dying chemist? If you can't helium, you might as well barium. That joke was quite the knee-slapper, wasn't it. I certainly slapped my neon that one. It was just so-dium funny. Why do chemists like high altitudes? The views arsenic. If you're not laughing yet, don't worry. I'm o...

Chemistry jokes

1. Did you hear about the chemist who got cooled to -273.15°C? He's 0K now.

2. What's the most electronegative state? Fluorida.

3. Wanna hear a joke about sodium bromite? NaBrO

4. Helium walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender says "We don't serve noble gasses here!" H...

I was having a nightmare where a dude said he was going to kill me if I could not make him laugh...

so I said...
What gas leaves a pirate speechless?

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