
This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Here is a joke I heard from watching Jake and Amir.

A woman is boarding a bus with her newborn baby in her hand. The bus driver takes one look at the baby and says" ma'am that is the ugliest baby that I have laid my eyes on"

The woman appalled at the statement as she should be sits next to a man

The man says that the lady should not hav...

I mean, what would you even call someone from a place called Amir?


I lost a leg to a guy named Amir...

God damn, he's good at playing darts.

Knock, knock...

Who's there?


Amir who?

Amir to fix your broken doorbell...

A man walks into a bar wearing a nice shirt

The bartender tells him it's a nice shirt and asks where he got it.

"I got it from Joe Fresh," the man said. He grabbed a drink and went to sit down.

Another man comes in wearing some good looking pants. The bartender also amires those and asks where they came from.

"I got them ...

Did you know that all pieces of reflective glass are middle eastern?

It's Amir.

I tell jokes under an Indian pseudonym.

Amir all week

What's a cruelly ironic name for a man with spectrophobia?


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