joulejames wattvoltpowerhorsepowersecondkilowattenergyohmamperekwnewtonwelectromagnetismmilliwatt

Watt's my name

- Hello, are you there?
- Yes. Who are you, please?
- I'm Watt.
- What's your name?
- Watt's my name.
- Yes, what's your name?
- My name is John Watt.
- John what?
- Yes, are you James?
- No, I'm Knott.
- Will you tell me your name then?
- Will ...

What's the difference between watts and ohms?

Watts are a unit of electrical energy. Ohms are where British people live.

My 3 watts blue laser pointer finally arrived and I played with it over the weekend.

I can no longer see why people say these devices were so dangerous.

A man walks into a hardware store and speaks to the cashier...

"Have you any two watt bulbs?"
"For what?"
"That’ll do, I'll take two."
"Two what?"
"I thought you didn’t have any."
"Any what?"
"Yes please!"

An electrician comes home late....

Wife: "Wire you insulate?"

Electrician: "Watts it to you? I'm ohm, aren't I."

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The computer is connected to watt?

A man calls tech support and says, "I unplugged my space heater, and then my computer just blacked out!"

Tech support: Is the power strip that your computer's plugged into still lit?

User: Yes

Tech support: What happens if you move the mouse or press a key?

User: Noth...

I was gonna tell a joke about Electricity,

But I forgot Watt it was.

Customer: "Do you have a four volt, two watt light bulb?"

Salesman: "For what?"

Customer: "No, two."

Salesman: "To what..."

Customer: "Yes."

Salesman: "No"

Customer: "Thank you. Goodbye"

Salesman: "Goodbye"

You're a unit of power Harry

"Im a watt?"

My new 1000 watt sound system is great!

I can control the volume of my neighbor's banging on my door.

What do Kevin McCallister and Chris Watts have in common?

They both made their families disappear.

My wife recommended I do some light reading to relax at the end of the day...

Not really relaxing, as my eyes are in pain, but I managed to make out, "60 Watts - Made in China."

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A list of books I've read this year

● Taming Wild Cats by Claude Face.

● Making Weatherproof Clothes by Ranier Day.

● All Aboard! by Abel Seamann.

● One Hundred Metres to the Bus Stop, by Willy Makit, illustrated by Betty Wont.

● The Greatest Detective Stories Ever Told by Watts E. Dunn.

How many deaf electricians does it take to change a lightbulb?


Captain John McGrue was one of the most respected explorers

Born in England, he became known for his seafaring skills at a young age. At the age of 20, he heard the legends of the greatest drinks in the world, a quest many explorers had tried, but unfortunately none could complete the trip. McGrue was talked out of it by every friend, until at 28, already an...

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With Apologies To Abbot And Costello

There were these two kids who ran away from their home in Why, Arizona. One was a tall, white kid. The other was a short, Asian kid. After running away from home, a police officer notices them. They were caught milking baby gila monsters for their venom. The cop didn't want to send them to juvi...

Yer a joule per second, Harry.

I'm a watt?

What is the unit to express joules per second?

Sorry, watt is the unit to express joules per second.

I had a party for the worlds greatest historical figures, here are their RSVPs

Isaac Newton: "I'll drop in."

Socrates: "I'll think about it."

Charles Darwin: "I'll wait to see what evolves."

Marie Curie: "I am radiating enthusiasm."

Ivan Pavlov: "I'm positively drooling at the thought."

Albert Einstein: "It will ...

REM got it wrong, Kenneth

Hertz is the frequency. Watt is power.

My friend was explaining electricity to me,

but I was like, ‘Watt?’

A man once advised me to not waste electricity. "Using more power results in more electricity bills"

I told myself,

***Watt good advice***

I had a female Physics teacher in my school.

One day, a guy asked her, "What is the unit of power?"

"That's watt", she said.

Student doing test: “The unit of power equivalent to 1 joule per second is called the [....]”

Friend leans over: “Watt is the answer”

Student: “I don’t know, I’ve been trying to figure it out”

What did one lightbulb say to the other?

Watts up

What do you say when you break up with an electrician?

Watt is love?

Baby don't hertz me.

Don't hertz me.



What did the blonde say after the lesson on electricity?


Two physicists are walking down a hallway

One says, "kilogrammetersquaredpersecondcubed"

The second responds, "Watt?"

Electro finally made it to the party

He said watts happening!

What is the different between the original steam engine and the improved one


For safety, if you're turning a power supply on at work, just say hey

Watts going on

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