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Who’s the nicest guy the the hospital?

The ultrasound guy

This joke may contain profanity. πŸ€”

(NSFW) A man walks into a bank and says to the the teller, β€œI want to open a fucking checking account.”

The astonished woman replies, β€œI beg your pardon, but we don’t tolerate language like that in this bank.”

The teller then leaves the window and walks over to her manager to explain the situation.

The manager agrees that the teller shouldn’t have to put up with that kind of language. <...

My neighbour is in the the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS.

He's had 44 concussions. He lives very close to me. A stone's throw away, in fact.

At ten feet I told the the joke and everyone laughed. At twenty feet, same result. At fifty feet no one heard me...

Guess I went a little too far with that joke.

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