loperamidedefecationdehydrationbacteriagastroenteritissanitationconstipationshigellabreastfeedingvirusdysenteryantibiotichuman fecescoeliac diseasedrinking water

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What is the difference between an epileptic at an oyster bar and a prostitute with the runs?

One of them shucks between fits.... I'll let you guess the other.

What's more dangerous than running with the scissors?

Scissoring with the runs

What's the difference between a clam with epilepsy and a hooker with the runs?

One you shuck between fits...

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Oh man, I've got the runs.

Same day, different shit.

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little johnny has the runs

Little Johnny is sitting on the toilet in obvious distress when his mom calls through the door "How are you doing?"

Johnny answers, "Not so well, mom, I think I need some Viagra"

His mother is astounded at this response and asks him "What do you mean, 'you need some Viagra'...

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