Why shouldn’t you throw sodium chloride at people?
Because it’s assalt!
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A man ran up to a stranger and threw a handful of sodium chloride at them.
They got angry and said "Hey, that's assault".
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Sodium Chloride and Sulphuric Acid were in jail
Turns out they were in for assault and battery
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I heard Sodium Chloride was charged with a felony!
Yes, it was a salt!
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After I fell down and cut my knee, a friend said I should use a sodium chloride solution to make it heal faster
It was really rubbing salt in the wound
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Is it a crime to put sodium chloride in your enemy's eyes?
"Is it a crime to put sodium chloride in your enemy's eyes?"
"Yes, that's assault."
"I know it's a salt but is it a crime?"
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I was going to tell a joke about sodium, but NA. I usually follow it up with a joke about chloride
But it makes people salty.
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Some guy threw Sodium Chloride at me...
I reckoned, "Na, it's Cl", but my friends keep insisting it's a salt.
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what do you call sodium chloride crossed with a poisonous writing utensil from out the sea
a salt with a deadly wetpen
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I got accused of stealing Sodium Chloride today.
I took it with a Grain of Salt.
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A man walks to a woman and asks…
“Excuse me ma’am but could I offer you a bit of sodium chloride?” To which the woman replies, “Get away from me, that’s a salt!”
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Did you hear about that lorry driver that got pulled over and taken to jail for the white powder in the trailer?
It turned out to be sodium chloride, poor driver got arrested for a-salt.
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wanna hear a big brain joke?
Argon Chloride
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A scientist built a robot but unbeknownst to him, the battery was damaged.
The only way to fix the battery was to sprinkle it with sodium chloride. Some chemical reaction with the combination of battery acid and sodium chloride caused the robot to act highly irrationally and attack the scientist, at which point the robot had to be detained by police.
The robot was c...
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Screamed the guy who put Sodium Chloride on soap.
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Science jokes
Man: Help!
Officer: What is the problem?
Man: He's throwing sodium chloride at me!
Officer: Why does that provoke a shout for help?
Man: Because it's a salt!!!!
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A police officer is doing his patrol when he sees two men arguing.
He goes to approach, when suddenly it gets physical. The first man throws a packet of sodium chloride at the second, and the second responds by throwing a bunch of 9 volts at the first.
The officer arrests them for a salt and battery.
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
A police officer on a bike route sees 2 men arguing.
The officer slows down to observe, and to see if the argument would become violent. The 2 men are bitter, and get louder by the minute. Suddenly, they both reach into their pockets. The first man pulls out some sodium chloride and throws it at the second man, while the second man get a 9 volt and 2 ...
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Did you hear about the guy who got pulled over?
The cops received a warrant and were able to search his car and they opened the glove box and ended up finding sodium chloride and a nine volt...
He got charged with assault and battery
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