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Heard this one on the sopranos today.

A rich guy and a poor guy have their wedding anniversary on the same day. They meet each other at the shopping complex.
The poor guy asks the rich guy "what'd you get for your wife today?"
The rich guy replies " I got her a diamond ring and a mercedes"
The poor guy asks "Why did you get tw...

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Paulie Walnut's Pope joke from Sopranos S5E1: cut to punchline only due to length

The Pope is sick and none of the Vatican doctors can figure it out. They summon an old wise man from the hills. He examines the Pope and says he's got a terminal case of blue balls. The only cure is for him to have sex, and the Cardinals go nuts. Finally, the Pope agrees but gives four condition...

Junior soprano classic

So a gentleman comes home from work and buy a some flowers for her wife. Upon arriving he presents those flowers to her wife and says -" For you my sweet love".

Wife replies - "You now expect me to open my legs, don't you?

Husband - "Why, don't you have a vase?

A C, an E-flat, and a G go into a bar...

The bartender says, "Sorry, but we don't serve minors." So the E-flat leaves, and the C and the G have an open fifth between them.

After a few drinks, the fifth is diminished and the G is out flat.
An F comes in and tries to augment the situation, but is not sharp enough. Later, a D comes ...

Two Sopranos walk into a bar

The bartender looks at them and says “I’m sorry but we don’t ser

Why are all pirates sopranos?

They love to hit the high Cs

A guy named Soprano was fired from his job as a cashier.

When asked if he could break a C-note, he was too high to register.

One of the soprano girls in my choir class says she can't sing her part.

She says she descant.

How can you tell if a soprano is at your front door?

She can't find the key, and doesn't know when to come in.

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Joke I heard on the Sopranos

A rich man and a poor man have the same wedding anniversary.

They're both at Madison Avenue shopping for their wives. Poor man says to the Rich man, "What'd you get your wife this year?"

He says, "A Mercedes and a huge diamond ring." The poor man says, "Why'd you get her both?" The R...

What's the difference between a soprano and a porsche?

Most musicians have never been inside a Porsche

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A rich guy and a poor guy are talking with each other....

Both of them are discussing what they got their wives for their anniversary.

The rich guy tells he got his wife a diamond ring and a Mercedes. The poor guy is amazed and asked him why he got two gifts for her.
The rich guy said, "Well, if she doesn't like the ring, she can go and return...

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Sopranos Jokes

Here are two pretty good jokes from the HBO television series:

A rich man and a poor man are friends. Every year they go Christmas shopping for their wives and every year meet up and get dinner afterwards.

At dinner the poor man asks the rich man "So, what'd you get for your wife ...

Did you hear about the time Tony Soprano went shopping for a cherry and a hand grenade?

Bought a bing. Bought a boom.

A Chinese man goes to see an eye doctor (Racist)

After the examination, the doctor says "You have a cataract."

The Chinese guy replies, "No, I have a Rincoln Continentar."

Courtesy of Junior in the Sopranos

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A Rich Man and a Poor Man sit down at a bar...

“What’s in the box?” asks the Poor Man.
“A diamond necklace!” exclaimed the Rich Man, “a gift for my wife of 25 years.”
“Hey, I’m celebrating my 25th anniversary too”, says the Poor Man.
“Oh really, so what’d you get her?” asks the Rich Man.
“A pair of slippers”, he replied.

How many sopranos does it take to fix a light bulb?

One. She holds the light bulb, then the world revolves around her!

Musician Pun

The bass singer accidentally got the soprano's sheet music before a concert. Boy, was he in treble!

Was tuning the piano with my sister and I said...

This reminds me of the Soprano section in our school choir.

To which she responds, "How do you know if a Soprano is at the door?"

("IDK, How")

"She doesn't have the key and doesn't know when to come in."

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Two fishermen, George and Ted, were leaving the docks one morning when they saw a gorgeous naked woman sitting on a rock. The woman was singing in a lovely soprano voice and doing nothing to cover her perfect breasts.

Figuring the woman was a mermaid, they rowed their boat over to her.

"You have such a gorgeous voice," said George. "Are you a mermaid?"

"Yes," replied the mermaid. "Whenever a mermaid sees a human she likes, she usually grants him three wishes. But since there are three of us, I think...

The Vienna Boys Choir is having a special New Year’s Eve concert. At midnight there will be a ball drop and…

…all the Sopranos will become Altos.

Did you hear about the Chinese godfather?

He made them an offer they couldn’t understand
(Credit to the sopranos)

What do you call a mobster that likes getting kicked in the balls?

A Soprano.

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I bought my wife a pair of slippers and a dildo for Christmas...

If she doesn't like the slippers she can go fuck herself.

- From The Sopranos

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Colonel Custer's widow [NSFW, language]

Heard this on the Sopranos, hopefully won't screw it up.

A few weeks after his death, Col. Custer's widow felt it necessary to commemorate her late husband. She found one of the best painters of the time and asked him to paint a mural of Custer's final moments. A month goes by and the paintin...

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A callow youth walks into a talent scout’s office…

…gingerly cradling a cardboard box with some small holes poked in two sides.

After sitting nervously among a four-foot-tall sword swallower, a violinist with six-fingers on each hand, and a sexy contortionist named LuLu LaFrance who whispered something in his ear that turned him beet red, the...

Did you hear the one about the Jewish terrorist?

He was gonna hijack a plane but he didn't want to use his miles

Credit: Hesh from The Sopranos
Note: I'm Jewish, not sure if that makes it better or worse ;-)

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