freshwater basssea bassbassocontrabassbass guitardeepbassistvocalistsingerfreshwater fishbass partbass voicepercoid fishlowtrumpeter

Q: How do you know if a bass player is successful?

A: His girlfriend has a job.
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So I decided to start giving beginner bass lessons.

In the first lesson I taught my first student the first 5 notes on the lowest string, and then the next week I taught him the first 5 notes on the next string. But the next week he didn't turn up. The week after that, he showed up and I said to him, "dude where were you last week?" to which he repli...
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Three bass players walk into a bar.

They’re actually in the middle of performing Beethoven’s 9th symphony, but there’s a long section near the end where the basses don’t play, so they decide to go to the bar next door and grab a drink.

To know when to come back for the end of the symphony, the bassists tie a string to the condu...
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Why are bass guitarists always safe?

Because they stay out of treble.
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What's the difference between playing bass guitar and masturbating?

At least people remember you if you masturbate on stage

How many bass guitarists do you need to change a lightbulb?

One. But the guitarist has to show him how to do it first.
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A woman goes into Bass Pro Shop to buy a rod and reel for her grandson's birthday

A woman goes into Bass Pro Shop to buy a rod and reel for her grandson's birthday. She doesn't know which one to get so she just grabs one and goes over to the counter. A Bass Pro Shop associate is standing there wearing dark shades.

She says, ’Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me anything abo...
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How do you know when a bass player and drummer are at your front door?

The knocking is out of time and they don't know when to come in.
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A fifteen year old kid gets an upright bass and starts to take lessons.

After his first lesson, his dad asks him, "what did you learn today?" "I learned to play the A note." After his second lesson his dad asks again, and he responds "I learned to play the D note." After his third lesson his dad asks again and he responds, "I learned to play the E note." After the fourt...
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Q: What do you call a bass player without a girlfriend?

A: Homeless.

These just jokes people...
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What’s the difference between Netflix and a Bass guitar?

Netflix has Stranger Things 4 and a Bass guitar has 4 Strange Strings.
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My neighbors are ALWAYS listening to very loud Drum and Bass

Whether they like it or not.
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What do you say to a bass player with a beautiful women on his arm?

Nice tattoo!
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I can't stand bass players

They're always starting everything.
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I was going to make a bass joke

But I dropped it
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Why is the bass player always the happiest person in the band?

The guitar player needs to know how to score weed

The singer needs to know how to score chicks

The drummer needs to own a van big enough for the gear

And the bass player gets weed, chicks, and a ride home
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A bass player joke.

A dad gets his son a bass and lessons for his birthday. When the son comes home from his first lesson dad asks, " what did you learn at your first bass lesson son?"

"Well dad, I learned the first 1..2..3..4...5 notes on the E string!"

"That's great son!"

The next week rolls a...
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Bass Solo

A couple goes to see a marriage counselor. They say their marriage is on the rocks because they never speak to each other.

The counselor tries to get them to talk, but they just sit there with their arms folded and their mouths closed. He tries playing games. He tries tricking them. Nothing h...

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what's atthe bottom of Bass Lake?

Bass turds.

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So there's a farm. On this farm, there's a cow, a chicken, and a horse, and the three of them are best friends.

They do just about everything together. And one day, they're sitting at the window of the house, and the farmer's kid is watching MTV, and they're watching it, and they hear the music, and the horse says "you know what? I'm gonna learn how to do that."

So the horse calls up Guitar Center, and...

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The New York Philharmonic was conducting a rendition of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony

If you are not familiar with Beethoven's 9th Symphony it's a tremendous piece of work, but the bass line is atrocious. Not because it is complicated, but because it goes like this:


And then approximately an hour an a half later it goes li...

A bass guitar and an oboe had an affair.

It was very low key.
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What do Aussie bass strings say?

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Typical bass players

A prominent orchestra was performing Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. At one point in the final movement of the symphony, there is a long stretch--over 20 minutes--where the basses don't play a note. So, rather than just sit there, the section leader suggested that they sneak out of the orchestra and go ...

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A costumer came up to me asking to buy a new bass....

So I told him "sir, this is guitar center. You can buy guitars from us. If you want to purchase a bass, you'll have to go to bass pro shop."

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I like to play the bass.

My wife likes to play the fisherman. We have some strange roleplay.

How do you get a bass player off of your porch?

You pay for your pizza.
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How do you tell the difference between a fisher and a musician?

You ask them to say the word bass.

How do you lock a bass player out of a car?

Leave the drummer inside with the keys.
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I was U2's bass player in their early days

One night I shoved Bono into our guitar player while he was doing a solo, and after tumbling over him, he got up and stabbed me with his pocketknife.

I thought that was a bit extreme, but guess I shouldn't have pushed him over The Edge.
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What do you call a thick, sticky liquid that also can’t play bass guitar?

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What happens when you mix acid and bass?

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why is the bass player stuck outside?

he doesn't know when to come in and can't find the right key anyway
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Megaman and bass get into a fight, and megaman is winning.

Megaman and bass get into a fight, and megaman is winning.

Bass says "why dont you kill me"

Megaman says "killing isn't my forte"
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A double bass player

A double bass player gets a call for a gig. Says he has to meet everyone else at the docks at 9pm. He's there waiting when he gets bashed on the head and knocked unconscious.

He wakes up ducked taped to his bass, floating in the harbour. After his first panic fades he looks around and notice...
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Why was the bass player arrested?

He was caught fingering A minor.
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What do you call a fish that is not smart, a dumb bass

Now laugh
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I saw a former vice present playing bass recommend to me on Youtube.

I think something was wrong with its Al Gore rhythm.
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Did you know that seals can't hear bass?

It's true - the seal hearing range bottoms out at 1000 Hertz.

No wonder they don't like clubbing.
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When the bass player from the red hot chili peppers was growing up...

he only saw his father at Christmas time, because his work digging the railways of Mexico kept him away from home most of the year. To deal with missing his father he wrote a song about him which his father loved and used to play to his fellow workers when he returned to Mexico. As a result the song...
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Where do you catch a Lance Bass?

In a Timberlake!
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Why didn't anybody notice the bass clef?

Because it was low-key.
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You stole my viola, cello, and double bass.

You made me so angry, I'm violint now.

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I’m bisexual and I play bass and electric guitar

I suppose I string both ways

What's does Drum and Bass have in common with my crying son?

160 beats per minute
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A man asks for a beer in a deep bass voice...

...the bartender, in an equally deep voice, says, "Here you go."

I moment later, a man next to him says, in a high, squeaky voice, "I'll have a beer, too."

The bartender replies, also in a high squeaky voice, "Here you go."

"Hey," says the squeaky-voiced man, "Are you making fun...
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How did the amateur bass player introduce himself?

Hey guys, so I play the guitar, lowkey
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What's the difference between a bass player and a large pizza?

A pizza can feed a family of four.
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What do you call a chihuahua that plays heavy bass music?

A sub woofer.
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A Bass Teacher is excited about getting a new, young student.

The kid is comes in for his first lesson and learns all the notes on the E string.

Next week he comes in and the instructor shows him all of the notes on the A string.

The third week comes, the teacher is waiting, but the kid never shows up. Annoyed, he calls him to see where he is....
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A good old Alabama boy won a bass boat in a raffle drawing

He brought it home and his wife looks at him and says, "What you gonna do with that?
There ain't no water deep enough to float a boat within 100 miles of here."
He says, "I won it and I'm a gonna keep it."
His brother came over to visit several days later.
He sees the wife and asks wher...
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Learning to play the bass

Little Bobby Tavoli came to his father one day and said, "Father, I want to learn how to play the bass."

Having been burned before when Little Bobby decided he wanted to learn something and then quit, Papa Tavoli replied, "That's fine Little Bobby, but you have to stick to it this time. After...

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A boy wants to play the bass...

... So his mother buys him a bass and takes the boy to his first lesson. An hour later he comes back, and his mother asks him what he learned. "This is a G, " says the boy, playing a G, "this is an F, this is a B," and continues to play random notes. The mother smiles politely and applauded his good...

Went bass fishing the other day

Caught a subwoofer this big!
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A few years back, I was asked at the last minute to stand in on bass for Geddy Lee, just for one night.

It was a Rush job...
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Women don't like bass players, apparently...

Whenever I say I like thick G-strings they allways walk away, I don't know why.
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Did you hear about the bass vocalist who decided to leave the choir?

He wanted to see how well he would do as a SO LOW singer
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How does a bass player pick up girls?

He says "Hi I'm a guitarist"
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How many bass players does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None, they're never in the light anyways.
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I went fishing and caught a bass, a catfish and a hammerfer.

What's a hammerfer? Fer driving nails.

My 8year old friend thinks this is the greatest joke, I thought so too when I was his age.
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A bass player is playing Jazz in the street for fun when suddenly one of his strings breaks.

The Bassist is a little saddened by this, since he can't really play Jazz with only 3 strings. He contemplates whether he should go buy a replacement string, but after some time he decides it could wait and starts playing Rock instead.

He plays Rock for another hour when suddenly another stri...
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There once was a double bass player who always had problems with timing. Over time it got him so desperate and frustrated that he...

...threw himself behind a train
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Better if told in person...

It was a cold winter day, when an old man walked out onto a frozen lake, cut a hole in the ice, dropped in his fishing line and began waiting for a fish to bite. He was there for almost an hour without even a nibble when a young boy walked out onto the ice, cut a hole in the ice not too far from the...

I played bass on the original Scooby Doo theme song in 1969, then joined Metallica. AMA!

Fine, I didn’t actually play the bass on the Scooby Doo theme song, or in any band, but I’d have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you metaling kids!
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A horse...

... sees a rock band perform and thinks "Hey, I could do that." The horse calls up his local music store and is like "I wanna learn guitar, just one problem, I'm a horse." The employee says "don't worry we can do that." The horse goes, learns guitar for a few months, gets really good, and is pretty ...

God created Canada.

On the 6th day God turned to Archangel Gabriel and said: "Today I am going to create a land called Canada, it will be a land of outstanding natural beauty. It shall have tall majestic mountains,beautiful sparkling lakes bountiful with bass and trout, forests full of elk and moose, high cliffs over-l...
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What do you call a dog that barks in bass?

A sub-woofer
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A bass player runs into a bar...

where the guitar player and the singer are busy setting up. Breathless, he says "We've got a big problem! I locked my keys in the van!" "Whatever, man" says the singer, "We've got a gig to do, we'll worry about it later." "No, you don't understand" said the bassist, "the drummer is trapped insid...
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I went fishing this morning, but after a short time I ran out of worms...

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth. "Frogs are good bass bait," I thought to myself. Knowing the snake couldn't bite me with the frog in his mouth, I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait bucket. Just then, I realized I h...
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An unhappy couple go to a marriage counselor

He tries to work with them, but they absolutely refuse to talk about anything in front of each other. The counselor gets fed up, gets his bass out, and starts playing it.

The couple sit there looking at each other dumbfounded. The counselor keeps playing. After several minutes of this, the c...
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What do you throw a drowning bass player?

His amp
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Why do pirates like the treble in songs over the bass?

Because they like the high C's
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Why was the bass player the most popular person in the band?

He was a need to know bassist.
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What's the three toughest years of a bass player?

Second grade.
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A horse is sitting at home, watching MTV...

He's watching a heavy metal music video, and the guitarist plays an amazing solo. The horse says "that looks amazing, I want to do that!"

The horse goes to the phone book, looks up a music teacher and calls him. "Hi, I'd like to learn to play guitar." Says the horse.

"Sure," says the m...
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What´s the similarity between a bass solo and a premature ejaculation?

You know its coming but there´s nothing you can do about it.

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I went fishing recently and caught a 20lb sea bass. I tried to mount it

But I was arrested for indecent exposure.

The reason Mayberry was so peaceful and quiet was because nobody was married. Andy, Aunt Bea, Barney, Floyd, Howard, Goober, Gomer, Sam, Earnest T Bass, Helen, Thelma Lou, Clara and, of course, Opie were all single.

The only married person was Otis, & he was the town drunk.
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A man decides he wants to learn to play bass.

He signs up for lessons and the first day the instructor says to him "today we're learning E." and he just plays E over and over again. The next lesson the instructor says he'll be teaching him A and he plays A over and over again. The third lesson is D and he plays D over and over again. At the end...

Why did the bass player miss his second lesson?

He had a gig that night.
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What is the bass players preferred method of contraception?

His personality.
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What happens when a DJ is playing a song with a small bass drop?

The crowd goes mild.
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Choirs tend to be less picky when auditioning basses, since there aren't as many of them

Just another example of special treatment for vocal minorities
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Hole-y Golf

Jesus, Moses and an old man are playing golf one day.

The hole is a par 3 with a huge lake in front of the tee.

Jesus steps up, takes his swing, BOOM, the ball flies up and lands on the edge of the opposite side of the lake.

Jesus walks across the water, hits his ball to land ...

What do you do at a festival when the bass is too much?

Drop some acid, it'll neutralize the effect
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How long does it take to tune a double bass?

Nobody knows.
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The very first joke I ever came up with (eight years old)

Q: What’s at the bottom of Bass Lake?

A: Bass turds.


Now that I’m 52, the aftermath is actually funnier than the joke. I told the neighbor kid, who told his little brother, who told his mother, who told his father, who told my father, who angrily explained to me what a ba...

"When drums stop...very bad."

An English explorer was trekking through a remote jungle with a local wise man he had hired as a guide. Two days into their journey, far from civilization, they began to hear the faint, slow beating of drums in the distance.

*Dum. Dum. Dum. Dum.*

The Englishman said to the wise man, “I...
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Why did Pee Wee Herman win the annual bass fishing contest?

Experts say it's because he was a master baiter.
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It’s tough finding journalists qualified to report on rhythm sections

They need to cover all the basses and can’t miss a beat.

I'm reposting this joke until somebody finds it funny beside me.
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What allowed the B boys to make it in hip hop and drum n bass?

The A men break
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What did the man say when the bass was too loud for his ears?

"That megahertz"

What did the woman get in response when she asked if his ears were okay?

100 watts
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Why can't you hear the bass on Metallica's And Justice For All album?

Because they threw the bass player under the bus.
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So I heard Katy Perry just lost a case for stealing a bass line, and will probably lose a bit of money?

I guess you can call that a *repercussion.*
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I was listening to some music with my friend and he told me "you should turn the bass down on your speaker".

It was sound advice.
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What is the favourite musical instrument for a couple of fish?

The double bass. This joke was made up by my 7yo daughter on the way home from school.

I take LSD every time I go to a dubstep concert, but it always wears off.

I think it’s because the bass neutralizes the acid
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What’s a fisherman’s favorite type of music?

Hard bass.

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What's the difference between a steamed fish and a stupid donkey?

One's a dum bass, the other's a dumb ass.

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