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It has been scientifically proven that girls reach the age of puberty earlier than boys…

Girls develop tits around the age of thirteen, boys develop them around the age of forty…

How do ducks know when they’ve reached puberty?

Their voice quacks.
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What do you call Harry Potter going through puberty?

Hairy Pitter
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A man had 3 testicles.

There was a boy who started developing an extra testicle as he hit puberty. Gradually, it grew to full size and when he became sexually active by the age of 18, the extra testicle led to embarrassing encounters with his partners.

After his 20th birthday, he realised that he had been ignoring...

What's the difference between a water bottle and puberty?

A water bottle has already hit Justin Bieber.
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Being a woman after puberty has some amazing benefits!

But the monthly subscription price is a real pain
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Fasting isn't expected of Muslims until they reach puberty. This means that absolutely all Muslim children...

...grow up to fast
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Puberty doesn't hit asians

Their parents do.
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I was tasked with coming up with a clever puberty pun

But I guess I really dropped the balls on that one

What did the polyhedron get when he hit puberty?

Cubic hair
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What's it called when a teenager going through puberty, can't stop looking at breasts

An eye-dem-titty crisis

From what I hear, puberty is the biggest trend nowadays

All the kids are doing it.
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Jesus becomes a man

Jesus is hitting puberty and Joseph wants to help him become a man. He approaches Mary Magdelene to enlist her help to which she readily agrees.
He takes her back to the tent and waits outside.
A few minutes later, Mary runs from the tent screaming.
Joseph enters the tent and asks what hap...
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I was forcibly held underwater, made to consume human flesh, and drank human blood all before puberty.

man Christianity has some weird traditions.
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This may be why Teachers retire early or turn to drinking: the following questions were in a (UK) GED (grade 12 equivalent) examination (they are genuine answers):

Q. What is a turbine?
A. Something an Arab or Sheik wears on his head. Once an Arab boy reaches puberty, he removes his diaper and wraps it around his head.

Q. How is dew formed?
A. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire.

Q. In a democratic society, how impor...

An elderly couple have been married for 60 years.

One day, out of the blue, the husband announces to his wife, “After living for so long and observing so much, I have decided that men have it worse in this world.”

The wife is clearly upset by his comment, and asks him to elaborate. So the husband continues, “Women start having periods during...
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Why didn't Pinocchio make it thru puberty?

He caught on fire.
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I made a couple mistakes during puberty

I dropped the ball two times during it.
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What do Volkswagen and a boy going through puberty have in common?

They both lie about their emissions.
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What the difference between a catholic priest and a pimple?

Pimples wait until puberty to come on your face.
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Son walks in on his dad masturbating

Dad tells him "son... you'll be doing this soon".

The son asks "why... because I'm about to hit puberty?"

To which the dad replies "no... because my arm is getting sore"

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There once was a man with an extremely high-pitched voice

(For retelling, ^(superscript) is high-pitched/falsetto voice)

He had since long passed puberty, but while his friends got deep, manly voices, his remained so high that he ^(spoke like this). Ever since then, it had been a tremendous source of insecurity. Now, he was in his thirties, and he r...

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Puberty story

A girl realized that she had grown hair between her legs. She got worried and asked her mom about that hair. Her mom calmly said, "That part where the hair has grown is called your monkey. Be proud that your monkey has grown hair." The girl smiled. At dinner, she told her sister, "My monkey has grow...

What do you call a tv show about female puberty?

A Breasted Development
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A friend of mine started taking baby Ed class where they use bags of flour to represent babies

3 days later he came to class with a cake claiming his baby went through puberty.
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Anxiety is like breast.

It grows as soon as puberty hits you.
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I used to hate body hair

But when I hit puberty it started to grow on me
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A moth walks into a gynecologist's office.

He sits down, put his legs in the stirrups and everything.

"Doc, I feel terrible. I think my wife is cheating on me. Sometimes I come home and I feel like I see other moths flying out the backyard.

I think my boy's on drugs. I found a lighter and some paper in his room the other...
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I heard that BBC is making a prequel to Pride and Prejudice that follows the Bennet girls when they hit puberty

It's a period drama.
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Look on the bright side anti-vaxxers

You'll never have to have "the talk" about puberty, sex, drugs, or driving.

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A stuttering man

So one man decided to go to the doctors one day for his horrible stuttering problem he had since puberty. He goes into the office and gets checked out by the doctor, the doctor says, "I know whats wrong, your penis is so big its pulling on your vocal chords making you stutter." So the man and doctor...

I was always against facial hair as a kid

*But then puberty hit and it grew on me*
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I'll never forget when I saw it for the first time.

I was 12 at the time, I just hit puberty. I measured it and it was 3.5 inches if I remember correctly. I almost couldn't believe my own eyes. It's more than twice of what I been seeing before. It was crazy. Ill never forget how sensitive it was and how inexperienced I was when touching it using my o...
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Johnny's mother and the bullet.

Johnnny's mom was pregnant with twins, johnny and his Emma. While pregnant, she was robbed and shot twice in the stomach. The doctor said the babies would survive, but would piss out a bullet once they hit puberty. She gave birth, and some years later Emma came running to her mom saying, "Mommy, mom...

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Snow White, while living among the dwarves, had come to puberty. This did not go unnoticed by the dwarves. Being the little perverts they are, they decided to climb on each other's shoulders outside her window to peep on her changing. The one on top would then whisper the one below what he sees, who...


A young girl hit puberty and her body started to change. One day she noticed she was getting hair down there. She went to her mom confused and the mom explained “that’s your gorilla and it’s getting hair. “ Very excited the young girl went to her older sister and exclaimed “my gorilla is getting ha...
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I feel really bad for kids in third world countries...

They have to go through puberty and their mid-life crisis at the same time.
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From the Peddy File...

JoAnne recently noticed she had hair growing between her legs. Frantic, she asks the doctor what's going on.

"And I'm getting these lumps on my chest too," she cries.

"Now dear," smiles the old doctor, "there's nothing to worry about. You're entering puberty. Everyone gets hair down t...

John grew up on a farm

John grew up on a farm in a small town away from the hustle and bustle of the city. His whole life he has been a huge fan of tractors, his curtains and carpets had tractor patterns on, there were posters of John Deere's covering his walls, he even had his parents buy him a waffle maker that makes wa...
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