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Two guys at the airport each with black eyes

Notice each other.
First Guy: Hey, how did you get that black eye?

Second Guy: Funny story, I meant to ask the woman at the counter for 2 tickets to Pittsburgh, but a slip of the tongue and I said 2 pickets to tittsburgh and she socked me one! How about you?

First Guy: Same thing, ...

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Two blokes were on a plane one day.......

........ and they were sitting side by side. Coincidentally, they each had one black eye. They started talking.. 'hey mate do you mind if I ask how you got your black eye?'. 'Yeah no worries', the other one responded. 'I was at the airport check in and when I got to the counter, I couldn't help but ...

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NSFW Two pickets to Tittsburgh

Two guys are sitting next to each other on the airplane, each has a black eye. One looks at the other and says "what are the odds? What happened to your eye?"
The other guy replies "it was a bit of a Freudian slip. The woman helping me at the ticket counter had the biggest tits I'd ever seen. In...

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Two Pickets

Two drunk Steelers fans were left in Cleveland after a game with no ride home. The first drunk decides that they can just hop a Greyhound bus and be home in no time. He stumbles to the ticket counter and the most beautiful, busty woman he's seen all day was working. He politely asks "can I please ha...

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Two Pickets to Tittsburgh

Two friends are eating lunch together.
One says, "Oh man, I've never been more embarrassed. Yesterday, I went to order two buss tickets to Pittsburgh and the ticket lady had the biggest boobs i've ever seen! I tried to say "Can i please have two tickets to Pittsburgh," but I was so nervous I acci...

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Freudian Slip

Two men are sitting at a bar, both of them have a fresh black-eye.

First guy: (pointing at shiner) **So what happened to you?**

Second guy: **Freudian slip**

First guy: **What's that?**

Second guy: **That's when you accidentally say what you're thinking subconsciously, I ...

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Freudian slip

A guy is talking to his buddy.
\-I made a total fool of myself today. I was talking to a very well endowed young woman at the airport and I said: "I need two pickets to Tittsburgh." She was embarrassed and so was I.
His buddy replies:
\-Yeah, it's called a Freudian slip. I had one...

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Two business men are flying first class on an airplane...

They are both wearing suits, carrying briefcases, and both of them have a black eye.

Wondering what the odds of their circumstances are, they start up a conversation

Man #1: “Hey buddy, kinda funny that we’re both dressed for business, flying first class, and we both have black eyes. ...

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A Welshman and a Scot were walking across a field when they come to a white picket fence.

There were a bunch of sheep on the other side of the fence and one of the sheep had it's head stuck between the pickets. The Welshman jumped the fence and fucked that sheep hard. When he was finished, he looked at the Scot and said "Your turn!"

So the Scot pulled his pants down and stuck his ...

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Two business associates and long-time friends were having lunch together...

... when one asked what happened to his friend's fetching secretary.

"Oh, Brenda? She quit. She had such a beautiful body, but couldn't take a joke. I needed some travel arrangements and she just goes and quits on me."

"What?!? Why?", says the first.

"Well, you know when you say...

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Freudian Slip

A man is going through an airport after buying his ticket, and he walks over to a friend with his head down.

"Ah man, I can't believe what just happened. I had a Freudian slip. Do you see the ticket agent with the huge cans? I accidentally asked her for two pickets to titsville."

His ...

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Two old lawyers who haven't seen each other in years finally get together to have some lunch.

"Life is good," one says, but lately I've noticed I've been getting pretty old. Like, I've been having a Freudian slip or two."

"How do you mean?" says the other.

"Well for instance, last week I was at the train station and I was headed to Pittsburgh. And when I walked up to the counte...

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A slip of the tongue

A guy with a black eye boards his plane bound for Pittsburgh and sits down in his seat.

He notices immediately that the guy next to him has a black eye, too.

He says to him, "Hey, this is a coincidence, we both have black eyes; mind if I ask how you got yours?"

The other guy say...

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Two men are at a train station....

First man goes to the ticket counter and is flustered by the attendant's huge breasts. He stammers out "Uh..I'd like two pickets to Tittsburgh...I mean..Pittsburgh". Embarrassed, he pays and goes back to his friend and tells him "Man, I just had the worst Freudian slip...I asked for 'pickets to Titt...

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Slip of the tongue

You know sometimes when you try to say something, but an unfortunate slip happens, and you say something different? Like the guy who went up to the airline counter wanting “two tickets to Pittsburgh”, but got flustered when he saw the beautiful ticket clerk, and accidentally said “two pickets to Tit...

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Bob and Joe take the train to Pittsburg together every morning

Today when Bob arrived at the station, he was all flustered. Joe asked him what the matter was. Bob said “when I bought our tickets for the train, the cashier was very attractive and her blouse undone at the top. Instead of saying can I get two tickets to Pittsburg, I accidentally said can I get ...

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Bob Takes a Seat

Bob takes a seat on a train. He looks up and notices the man in front of him also has a black eye. So Bob asks the man “Hey, how’d you get yours?”

The man says “I walked up to the ticket booth to buy two tickets to Pittsburg. When I got to the booth the lady selling the tickets had huge bo...

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Two salesmen walk into a train station

The old salesman sends the younger one up to get their tickets

Behind the counter is a stunning beauty with big tits and a beautiful smile

The young salesman stammers "I'd like two Pickets to Tittsbugh...I mean two tickets to Pittsburgh please"...she laughs, hands him the tickets and h...

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The problem with Freudian slips

Two men were sitting around chatting, when the topic of slips of the tongue came up.

The first man said: "The other day I was at the airport, and the girl at the desk was a gorgeous redhead with a D-cup in a *very* tight sweater. What I meant to say was: I'd like two tickets to Pittsburgh. Wh...

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Pass the Marmalade

Two friends are in a bar having a drink and discussing their long working week.

"So on Tuesday, my secretary tells me I have to make a last minute flight to Pittsburgh for a conference. So I rush to the airport. The woman at the ticket desk was extremely attractive and I was so flustered that...

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Freudian Slip

Two men are sitting at a bar together, one with a black eye, having a pint. Eventually the unbruised one asks his friend about the eye.

"Ah, I had a bit of a Freudian slip this morning. I needed to buy two train tickets to Pittsburgh, and the girl behind the counter had ENORMOUS knockers. ...

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Freudian slip

A man was waiting in line to buy a train ticket for himself and his friend. When he was almost to the front of the line, he noticed that the person selling the tickets had a rather nice, large pair of breasts. When it was his turn to buy the tickets, he accidentally blurted out "Two pickets for Titt...

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Classic Freudian Slip

Two guys are chatting over a beer. One of them tells the other,
"Man, I had the most embarrassing thing happen to me a few weeks ago - a classic Freudian slip - I was at at the airport and I swear, the gal the behind the counter had the biggest rack I've seen in a long time, and so, instead of s...

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A man needs 2 tickets to Pittsburgh...

A man needs 2 tickets to Pittsburgh, so he approaches the ticket desk and encounters a rather large-breasted women behind the counter.

"I need 2 pickets to Tittsburgh" he says.

"Excuse me?" the ticket lady says, slightly offended.

"I'm sorry," the man replies. "I've been messing...

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Freudian slip

Two friends were talking, and one mentions to the other

"Man, I made a Freudian slip the other day at the airport. You know when you try to say something but accidently say something else that was on your mind?
I went to buy the plane tickets and the lady behind the counter had huge tits, ...

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2 men are talking about Freudian slips...

... one says to the other, "I made the worst Freudian slip the other day. I was trying to buy train tickets from this beautiful female conductor. She had these really huge breasts, so I meant to say 'I would like two tickets to Pittsburgh', but instead I said, 'I would like two pickets to Titsburgh....

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So a man and his wife fly to Pittsburgh to see their old friend.

The man's wife hasn't been talking and has been giving her husband some nasty looks, so when she excuses herself to the restroom, the friend asks the man what's wrong.

"So, we're at the airport, right?" he begins. "Well, the lady behind the counter is this young blonde. And she had a *huge* r...

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My go-to joke, thought I'd share.

A man and his friend are sitting at a bar, talking about embarrassing moments. The man says to his friend:

"Man, I messed up the other week. I was at the train station, trying to buy a ticket, and the ticket booth operator was this gorgeous woman, I'm talking 10/10 here. So I go up to her, an...

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A man boarded a plane to Pittsburgh...

Sitting down, they both notice each other to have a black eye. Striking up conversation, one of the men speak up:

Man 1: "Hey, so I gotta ask. I mean we both have one... How'd you get your shiner?"

Man 2: "Well funniest thing, it was a slip of the tongue! Do you remember that attenda...

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A man and his friend go to the airport on their way to Pittsburg

And they notice the woman selling the tickets is not only gorgeous, but has amazing boobs as well. The first friend insists his buddy goes and buys the tickets in an attempt to hit it off with her. He watches from a distance, they talk briefly, and then she quickly slaps his friend across the face. ...

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There were three priests in a railroad station, all wanting to go home to Pittsburgh.

Behind the ticket counter was a very, very shapely lass, well endowed, gorgeous, amazing woman.

The priests were all embarrassed and in new territory, so they drew straws to determine who would get ...

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A pastor is headed to Pittsburgh

A pastor is headed to Pittsburgh for a convention with his associate preacher and they decide to take the train.

At the station, the pastor tells his associate to have a seat while he purchases their tickets.

After standing in line at the ticket counter for an extended period of time...

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Destination Pittsburgh

Three priests were heading to Pittsburgh. The youngest priest, knowing he was most connected to the secular world, offered to get the tickets.

Upon arriving at the counter, the noticed the cashier was wearing a low low top and a short short skirt. His heart fluttered a moment...

“Yes ...

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