While discussing horror movies, my friend asked me who my favorite monster from film is.
Me: "Hmmm that's a tough one. I think I'd have to go with the vampire from Sesame Street."
Friend: "What!? He doesn't count."
Me: "Oh I assure you, he does."
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If you ever feel lonely...
just dim down the lights and put on a couple horror movies. After a while, you won't feel like you are alone anymore.
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My friend swears he loves horror movies involving clowns
I'm not certain, but I think he means It.
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What do you call a place to buy bootleg horror movies?
A Spookeasy
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I love horror movies.
I’d know a good one if I Saw 1
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What do horror movies and printer ink have in common?
The black one always dies first.
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Why did 4 not watch horror movies?
It's was 2 squared!
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How do you call website, where you can watch online horror movies?
Screaming service
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Why do cows never walk out of horror movies?
They're able to stomach a lot.
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Horror movies are like a box of chocolates
The dark ones always go first
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Horror movies are always much tamer when I watch them on my iPhone
I have it set to Do Not Disturb
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Curiosity killed the...
...white people in horror movies.
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You're lucky it wasn't the black horse!
About a month ago I was driving to my mothers house late on a Friday evening. It was pitch black, so I had the lights on high beam, and I was driving along a country road when all of a sudden my engine cut out. So I pulled over and got out to have a look - sometimes I can fix it myself. It was very ...
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I thought I’d surprise my new girlfriend after a recent movie talk we had. So, tonight when she came over, I had a Pornhub movie with a prostitute scenario on. She saw it, told me to never talk to her again, and stormed out.
I am starting to think she told me she likes “horror movies”...
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