tie-intoycardboardboxmcdonald'shamburgersaladcheeseburgermilkkids' mealjuicefast foodgo-gurtpastaguatemala

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what do woman and a McDonald's happy meal have in common?

They both can cum with a toy inside lol

What do women and happy meals have in common?

They both come with a toy inside them.

Maccas will give you a free happy meal and $134.50 if you go through the drive through dressed as a clown...

With a gun

There was a group of ravens in the park today fighting over a happy meal,

I'd never seen such a great unkindness before; I had thought they were crows until I walked closer, for a second I thought I had witnessed a murder.

I call my wife "Happy Meal"...

She's not enough to satisfy me but she comes with a toy...

What’s something that often comes in a McDonald’s happy meal?

Me. It’s me.

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A few days ago, my friend compared me to a Happy Meal, Her reasoning was that i'm cute and a bundle of happiness.

I thought that that was interesting, because I also cum with a toy.

Why was the little boy too scared to reach into his Happy Meal for the Ninja Turtles toy?

Last time he did it, he got a Splinter.

[OC, be gentle] Ronald McDonald snuck up on a Happy Meal and said, "Serve fries!!!"

The Happy Meal replied, "Nugget out of my face."

A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, observing his wife, looking at herself in the mirror.

Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she’d like to have for her birthday.

“I’d like to be six again”, she replied, still looking in the mirror.

On the morning of her birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Lucky Charms, and then took her to Six Flags theme par...

A German tourist walks into a McDonald's in New York City and orders a beer.

A German tourist walks into a McDonald's in New York City and orders a beer. The New Yorker the line behind him immediately gives him the jab: "They don't serve BEER here, you MORON!"

The German fellow felt pretty stupid, but suddenly turns to the New Yorker with a surprised look, and begi...

A genie approaches a man and tells him:

"You have one"
"oh" says the man "I wan a happy meal"
"What? I have the power to flip this planet upside down, create a new species, destroy the universe, I'm a god if you didn't know... and you ask for a happy meal?"
"Hmm... I want to know the release date of Cyberpunk 2077"

What does a cannibal call a person in a good mood?

a happy meal

It was getting close to my wife’s birthday. She was looking at herself in the mirror. I asked her what she’d like for her birthday. She sighed and said I’d like to be eight again...

On the morning of her birthday. I woke up early and made her a nice big bowl of coco pops. I then took her to for a special trip to Legoland. On the way home we stopped at McDonald’s where I got her a Happy Meal together we a special McDonalds balloon. We then went to the cinema where they were pl...

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A woman's birthday was in just a few days...

Her husband asked her if she could have anything she wanted on her birthday, no matter how impossible, what would it be?

The wife told him "It's kind of silly, but I'd really like to be six again."

That gave the husband a great idea for a big surprise. On the morning of her birthday, h...

A man walks into a McDonalds.

He sees an elderly couple with one Happy Meal. They take out all of the food, lay it out on the table, and start splitting it. They split the burger in half, split the fries into two equal piles, etc. But what strikes the man as odd is that only the husband begins eating.

So the man walks ov...

Money can't buy you happiness

Well check this out, i just brought a happy meal

I don't understand why people think that an animation graduate student would not be able to get a job. Well I'm here to tell them they're wrong. I'm working! I'm doing my job making many kids happy...

Happy meals at McDonald's.

Come get your free surprise gift for a limited time only.

There was this guy working at McDonald’s.

and it was his turn to cook the French fries. So he put the frozen fries in the metal basket and dipped it in the oil. You see this guy was a veteran chef and used to be able to sense when food was cooked by looking at it's color or by smelling it, he never needed a timer or a meat thermometer or an...

I've just bought my daughter her main toy for Christmas......

I ate the happy meal though.

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Why we need armed guards at McDonalds

Dirty Ernie was about 8 years old and had just gotten a cowboy outfit for his birthday. His mom took him to McDonalds and he wore the suit. He was ordering his happy meal, and the cashier thought he was cute. She asked, "Do you want a dessert, sweetie?"

Ernie pulled out his six-shooter, twirl...

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